When you're dieting, then losing is winning. In diet clubs, the biggest losers, are the biggest winners. Therefore, it seems, that winning is a matter of definition.
I was trying to explain this at cribbage, the other day. The person I was talking to, couldn't fathom why anyone would play a game, knowing that they'd probably lose. Well, it so happens, that I take an elderly friend to play cribbage. If the truth be known, I only go for her. I'm not that interested. My friend and I are partners. I wouldn't change partners. Friendship is more important to me than winning.
Some of my kids are runners. They have yet to win a race and probably never will. They don't run to be first; they run for different reasons, and when that reason is satisfied, then they win:
They join in the race.
They give it their best.
They don't give up.
They endure and persist.
They cross the finish line, sooner than last time.
That's how I play cribbage. My friend and I begin together; we have fun; we end together; we shared a good time. In my mind, we won.