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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Dominic Meets Francis, Again!

When I became a Lay Dominican, I heard the story of Dominic and Francis having simultaneous dreams of meeting each other.  The next day, they did just that.  Not only that, but Dominic took off his rope belt, and Francis took off his leather belt, and they exchanged them.  Cute story.

Then I joined Our Lady of Mercy Chapter, and met the founders of the chapter, i.e., a Dominican and a Franciscan--Sister Ruth and Sister Kathleen.  Contemporary story.

Now I read in Catholic Moral Theology, that Dominic and Francis met again!  I'd post the picture but it's copyrighted.  But you can read the story and see the picture here.

You see, Paul Gondreau teaches theology at Providence College.  Providence College is a Dominican college.  Paul named his son, who has cerebral palsy, Dominic.  On Easter Sunday, 2013, as Pope Francis was making his way through the crowd, he stopped when he saw Dominic Gondreau, embraced, and kissed him.

Another Dominic meeting Francis sighting!

Who Watches the Watchers

 Another free ebook from the Gutenberg project and another Joseph Muller mystery is my subject.  The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor...