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Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Small Dominican Scapular

My Lay Dominican Chapter, Our Lady of Mercy, has the best spiritual director. Today he gave us, what my "cloistered brothers" call a retreat, but it's only one day. So it's really a Day of Recollection. We also advanced in formation, two brothers, from Novice to Temporary Professed. In so doing, he blessed and put small Dominican scapulars over the two men. (See picture) These small white scapulars are known as Dominican scapulars. We Lay Dominicans can't wear the full Dominican habit, that our brother friars, or sister nuns, wear. So we have this small white scapular in place of the full habit. Although, we Lay Dominicans can be buried in the full habit--but that's a whole different post.

Father told us how he felt when his habit was placed over him. He also pulled out from underneath his habit, that little small scapular. He told us that he likes to wear that small scapular to bed, because he doesn't wear his habit to bed. So the small scapular replaces the full habit. He also wears it when he travels--under his black priest clericals. So a Dominican scapular is always protecting him.

You see, we Dominicans believe that Our Lady gave Saint Dominic the scapular. That's why it's important.


Mark said...

Dominicans don't believe that the scapular was given to St. Dominic but rather Blessed Reginald of Orleans.

Faith said...

Yes, you are correct. I also have my doubts about Blessed Reginald. There's an Order, known as Trinitarians, founded before the Dominicans, which has the same habit!!!! The same scapular, but it has a cross on it--but it's the same habit. Could it be that Blessed Reginald copied their habit and adopted it as his own idea by taking the cross off? Attached are some images of Trinitarian friars and one of their founder, St. John Math.

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Mark said...

Blessed Reginald died in1220 and the Trinitarians received approval in 1198 so I doubt your idea is true. St. Dominic was a canon and he based his rule on the rule of St. Agustine. The habit is after those worn by canons. The scapulars were "invented" as sort of aprons to protect clothes which were expensive and as available as today. The scapular became a way of affiliation with a religious order. Our Lady app rearing and asking for us to wear the scapular is a matter of faith in a private revelation. Many popes and saints have trusted and believed in these apparitions. You decide for yourself "as for me and my house..." We will choose to believe. :)

Mark said...

Blessed Reginald died in1220 and the Trinitarians received approval in 1198 so I doubt your idea is true. St. Dominic was a canon and he based his rule on the rule of St. Agustine. The habit is after those worn by canons. The scapulars were "invented" as sort of aprons to protect clothes which were expensive and not as available as today. The scapular became a way of affiliation with a religious order. Our Lady appearing and asking for us to wear the scapular is a matter of faith in a private revelation. Many popes and saints have trusted and believed in these apparitions. You decide for yourself "as for me and my house..." We will choose to believe. :)
By the way the founder of the Trinitarians is St. John de Matha

Alberto Antonio, O.P. said...

I am re-reading this post just before Palm Sunday Mass, wearing my Dominican scapular for the first time. It is a symbol, a humble, profound symbol that connects me with my family on earth as in heaven.

Faith said...

Congratulations, Jordi. May St. Dominic bless your vocation to the Fraternities of Lay Dominicans.

Alberto Antonio, O.P. said...

Thank you sister Faith!

Unknown said...

Hello from the Philippines!

I'm discerning to be a Lay Dominican in the future. I've been wearing the brown scapular since I was in my early teens. May I please ask if a Lay Dominican can still wear the brown scapular, not necessarily to be affiliated to the Carmelites, but a sign of their devotion to Mary, especially since they grew up wearing the brown scapular, or do they have to "abandon" the brown scapular for the white one?

Thank you and stay safe! :)

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