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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Saints Alive

This is Pere Marie Jean-Joseph Lataste, O.P. I thought I'd use his picture for an All Saints Day

Posting, since he will be beatified in seven months. He is Venerable now. On June 3rd, he'll be declared Blessed. Next he'll be recognized as a Saint for all the Universal Church to honor.

Today is the day to honor All Saints, that's ALL, even those whom we don't know. The famous celebrity saints are the ones that get all the honor, but today's the day we Catholics honor everyone in heaven.

And all we aspiring saints belong to the Communion of Saints. The Communion of Saints are all we living, all those in Purgatory, and all in Heaven. In fact, everyone, except those in Hell, are part of the Communion of Saints.

I love being Catholic.

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