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Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Priestly Prayer of Jesus

Last night, in prayer group, a strange phenomena happened. We often do Lectio Divina. Last night we read and meditated on John 17: 1-26. I was reading this Prayer of the hour of Jesus. At first I thought the Priestly Prayer of Jesus was the Lord's Prayer. But these verses were clearly not "Our Father,..." John 17: 1-26 is Jesus praying to God the Father. Some of it was familiar from Mass Readings, but I didn't tie it all together as Jesus' praying in the Garden.

It was my turn to read aloud. I began, John 17: 1... and understood as I read. When I came to about John 17: 11-26, somewhere around verse 15, my voice broke and I cried.

I don't know why.

Stranger, everyone was crying. We all cried and kind of laughed and I continued on, to the end.

When I finished, we all looked at each other, and thought, and said, "Wow, what happened?"

We meditated in silence, with smiles on our faces. Every once in awhile we'd look up at each other, and shake our heads in wonder. We felt very blessed.

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