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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Lectio Revision

 My Lectio Divina needs a face-lift.  I have six steps!  I don't always use the last one, but still.  That's a lot. Lectio, Studium, Meditatio, Oratio, Contemplatio, and Resolutio.

Lately, I've been meditating what I need to know about the Reading, before I do some googling, and reading.  How do I know what's going on, so I have to think before I search.  What I'm trying to say, I'm switching Meditatio before Studium.  

Sometimes, depending on the Reading, there is no Resolutio.  There's no behavior change involved.  Here's the revised steps:







Wednesday, July 24, 2024

St. Dominic Has His EyesOn You

 There is a depiction of St. Dominic, where his face is scrunched up in consternation. Admittedly, it’s odd. My grandchildren do not like to look at it and even say its creepy. So they’ve turned this little bust of St. Dominic around, so it’s not looking at them. 

Today, as we we’re outside, I heard an exclamation, “oh no, Dominic is 👀 at us with disapproval.”

I looked in that direction, and she was correct. There in the window was St. Dominic with that worried visage. 

We had to laugh. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Lord is Our Rescurer


R. (9a) Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
I will bless the LORD at all times;
his praise shall be ever in my mouth.
Let my soul glory in the LORD;
the lowly will hear me and be glad.
R. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
Glorify the LORD with me,
let us together extol his name.
I sought the LORD, and he answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.
R. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
Look to him that you may be radiant with joy,
and your faces may not blush with shame.
When the poor one called out, the LORD heard,
and from all his distress he saved him.
R. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.


Originally, this was an acrostic poem.  It is a thanksgiving.  In this psalm one letter is missing and two are in reverse order.  The psalmist, having been rescued can encourage us, to trust in God.


This reminds me of Saint Faustina's "Lord, I trust in You."  Even though, the Divine Mercy message confuses me, I do get the "Lord, I trust in You."  It's an easy prayer.


Lord, I trust that You have a plan for me and that it will be good.  I trust You.


My life reveals Your care for me.  I should always just trust You.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Eucharistic Congress

 What do you think of the Eucharistic Congress 2024 that was just held in Indianapolis?  My diocese didn't have much of any effort into organizing a pilgrimage to go.  Today, someone said because it was too expensive, besides, they just talked to the choir.  I take that to mean it consisted of conservatives talking to conservatives.  

I guess time will tell whether it pleased God.  

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Favor

 Funny how you can hear the same story and come to a different realization.  I heard the story of Eduardo Bonnin and the two prison inmates before.  But only yesterday, when one of my “cloistered brothers” told the story of the beginnings of Cursillo, again, was I impressed with "the favor". I tried “googling” but the story I read is nowhere to be found. I am not surprised, since a prison has a prominent place in the beginnings of Cursillo. 

The setting is Spain, 1949.  For many years, Eduardo Bonnin and some friends were trying to bring people to Jesus.  The War in Spain made things difficult.  Bonnin and his friends were laymen.  They wanted to bring others to Christ.  They had retreats to introduce people to Jesus.  They had faith formation.  But nothing seemed to attract people.

Coincidentally, a prison chaplain was trying to minister to two men on death row.  But they wanted nothing to do with the priest.  The chaplain asked a local parish priest if he knew any lay people who would could try to minister to the condemned men.  

This is where Eduardo Bonnin and friends come in. They wanted to help, but how was a big question. This is what they did.

They met the two inmates and asked them for a favor. You may ask, what kind of favor could two men, soon to be executed in hours, do? 

Since they were about to meet God face to face, all too soon, Bonnin asked them to request of God to grant the Cursillo movement special graces to be effective.

You see the result.  It is now 2024 and Cursillo is still going strong.  Prison inmates love it.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Evil Exists

 Pax Christi pulls me one way--nonviolence.  But, damn it!  It's just not reality.  Read Genesis.  

Evil exists and you can't avoid it, sometimes, unless you violently smack it down.  Think Hitler, et el.

When Donald Trump was shot, it brought to mind other assassinations.  They are not just political, think of President Reagan's attempted assassination.  John Hinckley shot at the president to impress an actress.  Lincoln's, was political and stupid.  The president who held the country together was shot for doing just that.

IOW, there's no accounting for evil.  Because evil is irrational, humans have to be prepared for the worst, hope for the best, but not be naive about it.  Even Eden had evil in it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Serving the Lord


Proverbs 9: 1-6

Wisdom has built her house,
she has set up her seven columns;
she has dressed her meat, mixed her wine,
yes, she has spread her table.

She has sent our her maidens; she calls
from the heights out over the city:
"Let whoever is simple turn in here";

"Come, eat of my food,
and drink of the wine I have mixed!
Forsake foolishness that you may live;
advance in the way of understanding."


The book of Proverbs opens with nine chapters on procedures, behaviors, and directions, for servants.  These verses offer an image of preparation for a banquet.  She knows how to party, no?

The subject is Wisdom.  Therefore, this is a lesson.  The seven columns are figurative.  Seven represents perfection.  The banquet offers delights and the attendants are instructed to be courteous and behave in a mature manner.  They are also told to learn how to put their knowledge towards the good of others.


This passage reminds me of Faith Formation. People have to learn their faith.  Their religious formation should mature in understanding, which should show in how people treat others.



Lord, may I serve You well.


I resolve to pray before I act.

Lectio Revision

 My Lectio Divina needs a face-lift.  I have six steps!  I don't always use the last one, but still.  That's a lot. Lectio, Studium,...