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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

National Day of Prayer 2013

Let Us Pray
Monday’s horrific act of terrorism affected all Americans. In a few moments of diabolical carnage, a day of patriotism and athletic celebration turned into mourning and godly outrage. Our hearts cry out most especially for the families that lost their loved ones and for the many more who were maimed and wounded. They need our prayers as do the many first responders, the hospitals now caring for the injured, and the myriad of state and federal authorities seeking out those responsible. Like the prince of darkness himself, terrorism seeks to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10), but we must seek refuge in the Lord God who helps those who trust in Him (Psalm 115:11).
In two weeks, on Thursday, May 2, 2013, we will be observing the 62nd National Day of Prayer.  Government leaders and people in communities all around the nation will gather to lift our needs and concerns for America before the Lord. Now more than ever, it is imperative that we as God’s people remain on our knees for our nation and fellow citizens. Needless to say, the critical challenges facing the United States and the culture at large call for faithful, persevering intercession – not only on the National Day of Prayer, but throughout the year.
This year’s theme is from Matthew 12:21, “In His name the nations will put their hope.” We encourage you to host or help coordinate a National Day of Prayer (NDP) event in your community or attend a nearby event. There are a number of events scheduled throughout the Commonwealth, including one to be held at the State House in Boston on Thursday, May 2nd  from Noon to 1:00 pm in Gardner Auditorium.
Go to to find a venue near you and download an NDP Flyer HERE.

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