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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Papal Authority

May 1st is celebrated as May Day.  It's a day of celebration for laborers, and as such it is appropriate to have as its patron saint, St. Joseph.  It is appropriate because St. Joseph worked with his hands and that's the definition of laborer.

May 1st is also noted as the date for the very first ecumenical council.  Since it was not the full blown out ordeal that ecumenical councils usually are, it's sometimes historically considered a proto-council, an apostolic conference, or a synod, or even just a meeting, as described in Acts 15 and Galatians 2.

It was held in Jerusalem, in the year 50 A.D.  I prefer to think of it as the first ecumenical council, because it was here that the authority of the Pope (at that time, Peter) was nailed.  The apostles agreed to meet in Jerusalem and on the agenda was the acceptance of Gentiles into their ranks.  Paul and Barnabas rushed to Jerusalem to present their proposals.

Paul and Barnabas must have done a good job because a hot debate ensued over whether or not the Gentiles had to adhere to Mosaic law.  (Conservatives v. Liberals)  It was settled by Peter's proclamation:

...we believe that we are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, just as they are...

and everybody accepted Peter's decision!!!!!!!

h/t:  Side image shared under creative commons image by google.

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