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Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Work of the Holy Spirit

Father Jack was "right on", this morning.  He compared the work of the Holy Spirit with the work a microwave does.  Yes, go ahead laugh!

Think about it.  The microwave doesn't have a flame to adjust when you're cooking it.  You can't see microwaves.  Yet a change does happen to the food.  Just like us. We can't see His work, nor feel it.  Sometimes, we're aware of it because we surprise ourselves by what we're saying, thinking, or even feeling.

We'll feel the Spirit when we become aware of a truth in the gospel.  Sometimes we'll speak with conviction when speaking of God.  And we also know that it's because of the Holy Spirit that we have faith in the first place.  That we're in church and receiving the Eucharist.  That this is an awesome gift and we're blessed enough to know, understand, and give thanks that we're Catholic.

Yield to the Holy Spirit.  Give Him control and submit to God's Word.  When you do this, you will produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

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