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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Double the Blessing

Today, May 8th, is special for the Order of Preachers (Dominicans).  One reason is because we Dominicans celebrate the patronage of the Blessed Mother over our Dominican family.  That feast is unique to us in the family.  But today is also for everybody.  That's because today there is a beautiful tradition for this day (often right at 1200 noon).  Once upon a time one could obtain on this day, a plenary indulgence by reciting the Supplication to the Madonna of Pompeii.  The other day for this is the first Sunday of October.

Father Z's blog explains it all here.  We all can thank the Lay Dominican, Barto Longo for this Supplication to the Madonna of Pompeii.  As for myself, I'll pray the Supplication at noon and since today in the U.S., it is the Wednesday before the feast of the Ascension, hubby and I will attend the Vigil of the Ascension.

Mass with hubby, an indulgence for the Supplication of our Lady of Pompeii, what more could anyone want on this celebration of the patronage of Our Blessed Mother, over my Dominican family?


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