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Monday, May 27, 2013

Why You Can't Let Go

I'm fascinated by the past.  Not past history, but rather why some people are fixated with it.  I've come to think that it's because the past was the most important thing that ever happened to that person.

What brought this to mind?

Bible study and today's Gospel.  Specifically, Abraham in Genesis 12: 1-20, and the rich young man in Mark 10: 17-31.

Abraham was told to leave everything behind.  Actually he doesn't.  He takes his wife, servants, and herds of livestock.  Besides his nephew, Lot, and his wife, children, and servants, and livestock.  But Abraham was in constant dialogue with God, so there's more to the story, than we're told.  He left his heritage behind.

The rich young man was told to give it all away and follow Jesus.  Both are asked to leave what's important to them.  Abraham must have sweet talked God into letting him take his family and possessions, whereas, the rich young man didn't dialogue with God.  Jesus was right in front of Him.

The difference is what I said in my first paragraph.  Abraham expected the best to come in the future.  The rich young man thought the past was his best.  He didn't trust God.

The moral is trust in God's plan for you.

With A Little Help From My Friends

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