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Wednesday, June 1, 2022

War in Yemen

 Due to media attention, Putin's War takes over the news reporting.  I am dimly aware that there are other wars or conflicts going on in the world, we just don't hear about them.  Curious, I google, "2022 wars in the world."  It wasn't as clear cut as I assumed it was.  Some are foreign aggression.  Others civil conflict.  Some are drug related.

I've heard about a humanitarian crisis going on in Yemen, so I looked that up. Yemen is considered the worst in the world counting death toll.  It's been ongoing since 2014.  There has been a blockade for supplies that has resulted in a malnourished population and death, especially children.  The country is ravaged completely and their government has for all intents and purposes, collapsed.

Why doesn't the world know about this?  Personally, I think that it's because it's not a westernized, modern communication, literate nation.  It's hard to get the word out, never mind pictures.  It really started in 2011 with dissatisfaction with the Yemen government.  When their president stepped down the government administration crumbled. Many competing forces fought for control. The Houthis, who emerged in 1980 sprung up, again.  The Zaidi Shia Houthi picked up speed and have been fighting ever since. 

To counter the growing Houthi influence, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, in conjunction with seven other Sunni-Arab states, began a military campaign in Yemen, thus triggering a full-blown war. As coalition troops descended on Yemen, the Houthis were forced out of the southern regions of the country, back towards Aden, a port city in the Southern corner, producing a civil war.  It's divided between Sunni led Arabs against Shi’a groups trying to  assume power in Yemen. 

It's a confusing mess.  One thing for sure, people are suffering.  Please pray for help.

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