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Friday, June 10, 2022

The Dominican Chaplet

 Helen, friend extraordinaire, made a few chaplets for me. I had this idea, years and years ago.  I've wanted to make a Dominican Chaplet ever since I read Patricia S. Quintiliani's book, My Treasury of Chaplets.  There's a Dominican Chaplet in it.

But I never got around to doing it.  Helen Tice did it.  

Lord Jesus, moved by the urgent need for Priests, Religious and Apostles, and following your recommendation to pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers for the salvation of souls, we implore You, through the intercession of our Holy Founder, St. Dominic, to increase in number the members of our Dominican family.
    Enlighten their minds, strengthen their wills, aid them to cultivate diligently the divine see planted in their hearts.  Guide them on the upward path of purity that leads to the summit of truth.
    Mary, Mother of Mercy, long ago you presented your servant Dominic to Jesus.  Now offer your sons and daughters to Him and make them worthy of their sublime mission.  Obtain for the Order faithful followers of its religious tradition and numerous apostles after the heart of Dominic.  Amen.


The Crucifix
The Sign of the Cross and the Apostles' Creed

The White Bead
Our Father for the intention of the Holy Father

The Blue Beads
Five Hail Marys for the joys of Jesus and Mary

The Black Beads
Five Hail Marys for the Sorrows of Jesus and Mary

The Gold Beads
Five Hail Marys for the Glories of Jesus and Mary

The White Bead
Our Father for the intention of the Master General and all Dominican leaders.

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