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Thursday, June 16, 2022

The Watermelon Carving Contest


As of this morning, I thought the Watermelon Carving Contest was a watermelon slicing contest--Who could slice a watermelon the fastest.

Hubby exclaimed, "Isn't it like a pumpkin carving contest?"


So I goggled it.  

My jaw it the floor.  The pictures were all of these elaborate flower designs.  So I watched a youtube and decided to approximate a flower design, as best as I could.

What can I say?  I am an idiot!!!

It is hard to carve a watermelon.  I was situated next to my former boss.  She saw me trying to slice the watermelon.  I use a knife slicing towards me.  I know you are not supposed to, but I feel more control that way.  My former boss corrected me and I just ignored her. 

Well, guess what happened.

Yes, I cut myself.  I didn't say anything and tried to hide it.  I went and got the gloves that are supposed to protect you from knife cuts.  But I bled through it.  So, I exchanged glove hands.  The finger bled through that.  So I went to the nurse and the finger wouldn't stop bleeding.  When it did, we put a bandage on it.  I blamed it on the gloves, saying it was to hard to carve wearing gloves.

Anyway, my carving isn't very distinguishable.  It's kind of a mess.  But the photo is fantastic!!!  It's on top of this post.  Believe me when I tell you that it really looks nothing like that.  

Lesson learned.  I will never enter another watermelon carving contest.  And sorry, I won't stop peeling and carving towards me.  I'll just me more careful.

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