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Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Inspiration

 Just now I came across the inspiration for the novel I blogged about yesterday.  The plot of A Lesson Before Dying involved teaching a condemned man who was called no better than a "hog", to walk to his death like a man.  The poem, If We Must Die by Claude McKay has as its first line: If we must die, let it not be like hogs.

What do you think?  That first line could be the theme of the book, A Lesson Before Dying.  Here's the poem.

If We Must Die

If we must die, let it not be like hogs
Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot,
While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs,
Making their mock at our accursèd lot.
If we must die, O let us nobly die,
So that our precious blood may not be shed
In vain; then even the monsters we defy
Shall be constrained to honor us though dead!
O kinsmen! we must meet the common foe!
Though far outnumbered let us show us brave,
And for their thousand blows deal one death-blow!
What though before us lies the open grave?
Like men we’ll face the murderous, cowardly pack,
Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back!

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Faith Starts with Yourself

 My friend Barbara lent me a book.  She said, "We were talking about this."

We were?  I didn't say that out loud but I had no idea what she was referring to.

The book in question is A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines.

Hmpf.  Why am I supposed to be interested in this?" I asked myself.  I pictured the book about "Living Wills,"  "Last Testaments" and maybe a bucket list.  

I couldn't have been more wrong.  A Lesson Before Dying is a good novel.  It is a story about being black in Louisiana, mid-twentieth-century. Once I got hooked on the story, I realized that I knew this author, Ernest J. Gaines.  I read A Gathering of Old Men and The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. They were good stories and so is A Lesson Before Dying.

The story begins with the trial of Jefferson.  He was with two men who killed a shopkeeper.  They were killed and Jefferson was caught and put on trial and sentenced to die.  His lawyer, to try to arouse sympathy in the jury referred to Jefferson as a "hog."  The lawyer said that Jefferson didn't have the intelligence to plan a robbery.  He didn't know what he was doing.

          What justice would there be to take this life? Justice, gentlemen? why, I would just as
           soon put a hog in the electric chair as this.

Even though it was understood that the lawyer called Jefferson a hog to convince the jury that Jefferson wasn't responsible for what happened.  It didn't work with the jury.  Worse, Jefferson took it to heart.  His family, godmother and aunt were deeply offended.

The godmother and aunt enlist Grant Wiggins help in bucking Jefferson up.  He has to die but they want him to die like a man.  They want Jefferson to understand that he is a man.

Grant doesn't want to do it but feels obligated morally.  Even though Grant isn't a church goer, he is an unwitting tool in God's plan for Jefferson.  The pastor and friend of the godmother and aunt, the Reverend Ambrose doesn't seem to get anywhere with Jefferson.  Everyone, somehow has an affect.  Grant has his class of young children visit Grant.  Neighbors visit.  Constant visitors are Grant and the Reverend.  Watching all this is Paul, the officer in charge of Jefferson.

All these people praying and befriending Jefferson do affect a change.  He no longer thinks he's a hog.  People don't love hogs like they love a man.  So once Jefferson believed himself a worthy human being, then he could walk to the electric chair like a man.  

What's in Your Pocket?

 There was an image on Facebook, the other day, which I can't find of a hand coming out of a pocket holding some money.  Below it was another picture of a hand coming out of a pocket holding crystals, seashells, and pretty beads.

In the comment section, I notice that my "religion impaired" daughter wrote, "That's me.  My pocket is full of crystals."

Well, my pocket is full with my rosary beads.  So I decided to give my daughter a rosary made out of crystal.  I'll start saving up now, for Christmas.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Living Amid the Wolves

 Today I was listening to a Word on Fire Podcast # 329 Living the Liturgy by Haley Stewart.  She gave many ideas for a family to develop a relationship with the Lord.  Although it was very good.  It made me sad.  I never had the ability to perform those ideas with my family.  My husband would have called me a religious nut.  He probably would have belittle and made fun of the activities.  You definitely need the two parents to be on the same page.

How many families are like that?

What is needed is a podcast Living the Liturgy for a family where only one member is Catholic and the other is an atheist.  How do you bring up the children to be Catholic or even a believer in God?

My advice is to cool it.  Stay below the radar but there.  Over time the unsupported spouse will see that you are not a threat (religious nut).  Eventually when the mood is peaceful the Catholic spouse can start  the conversation that you would like the children to be exposed to Catholicism or Christianity.  The children should know what Christianity is all about, after all it's a major part of Western Civilization.  But the children won't be forced.  When they balk, or want to quit, OK.   

From babies to about age 5, read Bible stories, saint stories, sing Christian songs, watch Bible videos, say simple prayers often, wear crosses and medals, have beautiful Christian art around the house.  Celebrate Mardi Gras, Christmas, Easter.  Bake a king cake, hot cross buns, pretzels.

Once the children are in school, it's more difficult, but definitely don't push it.  Continue reading interesting stories, like parables and discuss them.  There are graphic novels with Christian themes.  Don't stop answering questions, explaining and even asking your own questions and discussing apologetics.  

Throughout all this time, pray.  Ask for guidance and perseverance.  You will need to be gentle as a lamb among the world's wolves.Try to guide your children toward Christian friends.  Definitely pray for a Catholic spouse.

This is a lifetime work. But God gave you this spouse and children.  Do your best and leave the rest to the Holy Spirit.  

Monday, June 27, 2022

Disaffiliation from Catholic Church

 Father Carl Chudy, sx, D Min. has released his report on disaffiliation of Catholics in the Archdiocese of Boston.  

I just finished reading it.  It's not long--23 pages.  The stories are sad.  I could sense their heart breaking.  They've been hurt by people, priests, administrators, and others representing the church.

However, no one said that they once believed in the Eucharist and now they don't.  Some said that they never did believe in Church doctrine; I assume that means the Eucharist.  But that means that they never had the gift of faith. Faith is a divine gift that enables an encounter with God.  Faith is a mystery.  How can I explain a supernatural grace?

And the Holy Spirit goes wherever.  I believe everyone can have faith if they want it.  They have to want it and pray for it.  There's the rub.  I guess some never see the need of it.

Of course, if the Lord has need of someone to cooperate in Divine Plans than we'd see a Saul to Paul experience.  But most of us aren't called in that way.

This report tells many sad tales of people being hurt and not listened to.  I can relate.  But I would never let poor pastoral practices keep me away from the Eucharist.  That's what the Catholic Church is to me--the Eucharist and only Catholic priests have Apostolic succession (Matt 16:18).

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Geese Deterrent

 Canadian geese wreck havoc on lawns.  Sometimes they're aggressive, too.  Every time I go into the prison, I have to walk zig zag around the geese.  Today it was different.

There were no geese.  As I was walking towards to gatehouse, I thought I saw a fox.  There's a light on the ground usually, but over it was draped the hide of a fox.  Once up close, I saw that it was a rubber hide.  They were place here and there.  No geese!

But this prison trains dogs to be service dogs.  Why don't the train some of the dogs to chase the geese away?

Friday, June 24, 2022

Judicial Victory NOT a Cultural Victory

 Although today the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in the decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, the country remains divided on the issue of abortion.

I myself have been on one or two March for Life Marches, just as others have for almost half a century.  We have worked and prayed hard for our voiceless, most vulnerable little ones.  Now we need to be sensitive to those who don't think like us.  Building a culture of life is not the job of the government; it's we the people.  Now we need to pray and work hard for "life" at all stages--conception through natural death.  Let's get back to work.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

More Brian Doyle

Brian Doyle's Credo is a book of short stories and essays.  His thoughts are so delightfully written, that I've copied some and posted them on my bulletin for enjoyment and future reference.  He's also unabashedly Catholic.   He writes about saints, rosaries, confession, etc.  

My favorite is his memories of being an altar server.  He doesn't have a bad word to say about anybody.  Everything he says is delightful.

Brian himself in the preface says that Credo is a labor of love.  Love is all he ever wants to write about.

And he does.  He does.  

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Follow Me

 A few weeks ago, in my post Go But Come Back I wrestled with the conundrum that Elijah allows Elisha to go back to say goodbye but Jesus will not allow it.   I've learned a few things since then.  

1.  "Follow Me" was a rabbi's idiom to invite someone to become his disciple.  It was an honor.  You did not  refuse.  I'm quoting Preserving Bible Times.

 Throughout the Gospels, the phrase “follow me” is a Jewish idiom used by the rabbis to mean, “Come and be with me as my disciple and submit to my authoritative teaching. Hearing that meant you had made the last “cut.” You are now on the varsity. You are good enough to be my disciple!” We in the West tend to focus mostly on the appealing “come and be with Me” front-end part of that invitation. But contextually, you can’t have one without the other. Absolute submission to Rabbi Yeshua’s authoritative teaching is a Siamese twin with the “come and be with me” portion of that invitation. 

2. These two men, Jesus said "Follow me" to, obviously did not have absolute submission. Luke 9: 59-62

3.  Elijah was a prophet, not a rabbi.  He could allow Elisha to go back and say goodbye.

When Jesus calls you to "Follow me," pray that you are submissive. 

Monday, June 20, 2022

 Brian Doyle was new to me.  I never heard of this author.  But since I've read Brian Doyle's Eight Whopping Lies, I plan to read more, if not all of his works.  Eight Whopping Lies is a book of short stories.  This book contains the kind of short stories I like--short.  There isn't one story that is over three pages long.  Some books of short stories lie.  Their short stories are novellas.  But Brian Doyle's are a delight, not only because of their brevity, but also because of his enjoyable writing skill.

He writes stories that we can identify with so  we learn to feel friendship with him.  He has a way of saying things that puts the reader there.  I am amazed by his skill.  And it seems so effortless!

I liked her wit and erudition and masterful passive aggression, which was so layered and subtle that I found myself enjoying it immensely as a form of verbal art.

This is how I felt upon reading Eight Whopping Lies. By the way, Eight Whopping Lies is the title of one of the stories.  The lies are:

1.  God is with us. This assumes He approves of us getting drunk, fighting, etc.  We have free will and sometimes we choose to be without God.

2.  It's not you; it's me.  Nope, not true.  Every time you have said that, it was you.

3.  A baby in the womb is not a person.  You must have a mental block if you think that baby is not a human being.  An adult does not look like a child.  A child does not look like an infant.  And a baby in the womb is a human being at that stage of a human being's life.  

4.  It's not about the oil.  Oil is why we go to war.  We're not at war with North Korea where a dictator is starving his people, are we?

5.  We are stewards of America's land and water, and we do our utmost to protect our national legacy.  Mining companies and oil companies are liars.

6.  My campaign is all about family values.  Are you for national health care?  Affordable education and training for all?  

7.  This won't hurt a bit.  Who says this?  Dentists use this phrase.  I rest my case.

8.  It's a peacekeeping mission.  People will be harmed and killed.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Led By the Holy Spirit

 Joan and I went to a Eucharist Congress called "Jesus is Here."  It was held at the Tsongas Center in Lowell, MA.  Since Joan is 90 and can't walk far, I dropped her off and told her to wait for me.

It took me a while to park the car.  First, I went to a parking lot that charged $ 20. But I didn't have $ 20 and they wouldn't take a charge card.  So I had to go to the parking garage and get in line.  Again, because I had no cash, I was told to park in a nearby spot that said 15 min. only.  Then I went inside and paid a cashier.

I might have spent 15-20 minutes after I dropped Joan off.  When I went to the place where I dropped her off, she wasn't there.  The people there didn't see her.  It was then that I realized that Joan had my ticket!!!  I couldn't get in.

She probably didn't bring her cell phone so I couldn't call her. But I did anyway.  I also texted her.  No response.  Even if she brought her cell phone, she doesn't have it on.  If she did have it on she doesn't know how the answer it, never mind text.

I had no choice except to go in and explain everything to somebody.  The first thing I had to do was be searched--like at the airport.  The first thing the man saw was a couple of bananas.  He said, you can't bring food in.  I said "OK, toss the bananas." He did.  That was it.  He looked no further so he didn't see the grapes and water I had in my bag.  I walked over to someone checking tickets and told her my situation and she said that my friend probably is over in the handicapped section, downstairs. There was no one checking tickets downstairs.  The place was full of vested bishops.  I walked through them to the handicapped section.  I went up and and down the seats and I didn't see her.  There were plenty of volunteers around so I told my problem to one of them and she took me in hand and we went back upstairs.  Joan had checked in and next to her name was (2)--(I said that's me.), so she wrapped a paper bracelet around my wrist so I could get the lunch we had paid for. Now we knew that she was in the building.  The volunteer took me to the top floor and we looked in places where handicapped people would go.  She wasn't there.  We proceeded to the next floor.  Same--she wasn't there.  Finally, we went the bottom floor, through the bishops (again) and went up and down the aisle.  Voila!  I found her.  

She was sitting in a wheel chair enjoying herself.  

But, I still never had my ticket but I walked through like Jesus. (Luke 4:30)

Friday, June 17, 2022

Church Group Angst

 Crossroads by Jonathan Franzen is a big book.  It covers a church group's characters and the pastors and their families.  Everyone has a drama.  The Hildebrandt's are the main characters.  Russ is the head of the clan.  He is an associate pastor with a tiny wage. He does his best to support his family of six.  They don't have much materially.  They live in an old house, the church provides.  He has his hands full.  Even so, he finds time to chase a young widow who is too receptive.

Marion, Russ' wife has hidden her wild, young life from Russ.  Lately, however, Marion wonders "what could have been."

Clem is the oldest and in college--for awhile.  He flunks out because he discovered sex and couldn't control his lust.  He doesn't know what he wants.

Betsy was very popular in High School but she rebels against her parents and sadly cuts herself off from them.

Perry is the problem.  He's a drug addict and dances on the edge.  He falls in and is mentally damaged.

Judson is in grade school and is absorbing all this.

The power struggle over Crossroads was interesting.  Poor Russ has to face that he is just a "has been."  The kids don't like him. 

But I liked this book and recommend it.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

The Watermelon Carving Contest


As of this morning, I thought the Watermelon Carving Contest was a watermelon slicing contest--Who could slice a watermelon the fastest.

Hubby exclaimed, "Isn't it like a pumpkin carving contest?"


So I goggled it.  

My jaw it the floor.  The pictures were all of these elaborate flower designs.  So I watched a youtube and decided to approximate a flower design, as best as I could.

What can I say?  I am an idiot!!!

It is hard to carve a watermelon.  I was situated next to my former boss.  She saw me trying to slice the watermelon.  I use a knife slicing towards me.  I know you are not supposed to, but I feel more control that way.  My former boss corrected me and I just ignored her. 

Well, guess what happened.

Yes, I cut myself.  I didn't say anything and tried to hide it.  I went and got the gloves that are supposed to protect you from knife cuts.  But I bled through it.  So, I exchanged glove hands.  The finger bled through that.  So I went to the nurse and the finger wouldn't stop bleeding.  When it did, we put a bandage on it.  I blamed it on the gloves, saying it was to hard to carve wearing gloves.

Anyway, my carving isn't very distinguishable.  It's kind of a mess.  But the photo is fantastic!!!  It's on top of this post.  Believe me when I tell you that it really looks nothing like that.  

Lesson learned.  I will never enter another watermelon carving contest.  And sorry, I won't stop peeling and carving towards me.  I'll just me more careful.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Lector Workbook by Faith

 I'm still practicing for my Lector assignment for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.  Specifically 1 Kings 19: 16bm 19-21, is my conundrum. How to read "Go back!"

To read it didactically would be a command.  And I can't help but interpret a didactic reading of "Go back!" as "Well if you have to do that, then forget about it.  Come, or Go back!"  

So I'm tending towards reading it very softly and gently tilting my head or maybe shrugging my shoulders to convey the idea that it's OK with Elijah that Elisha goes back.  I ran this idea to my friend who reads, also.  She doesn't think I should read it the way I'm thinking.  She thinks I should read it didactically and the Holy Spirit will move each person in ways appropriate to each.


Then why did I never understand it the way Elijah meant?  I always wondered--always, always, wondered why Elisha was accepted by Elijah when Elijah snapped "Go back!"  Besides, I think the Holy Spirit is moving me to read it very gently to convey that Elijah accepts Elisha's reasons to go back.

I know.  I drive myself crazy.

Here's the rub.  You see the book above.  The introduction explains how lectors should read.  And it agrees with my friend.  The lector should read in as straightforward way as possible rather than use inflection, pitch, or movements.  

I'm shocked. It doesn't make sense.  Does it make sense to just didactically read questions, commands, and exhortations in the same tone  The book also tells the Lector not to smile!!!  That's terrible.

Here's my take on Lectoring:

You start practicing a month before your assignment.  You do lectio divina on your reading.  If you are reading the First Reading, the Responsorial Psalm, and the Second Reading, then that's three lectio divinas. For the First Reading, also read the Gospel and do lectio divina on that.  For the Second Reading, look at the Second Readings for the previous couple of weeks.

A week before you practice reading aloud.  This will be a surprise because how you pronounce in your mind may not be what you say.  You may stumble, stutter, slur, etc., and you would have never have known that unless you say it aloud.  Besides, there are names and Hebrew words that you need to practice.

Now, the reading itself  has come.  First, and very important, is smile.  You smile first to the entire congregation because you are reading Good News and your shoes aren't too tight, so you don't have a painful expression on your face.  Also, before Mass begins, pick out three people--one near the left wall of the church, and one near the right, and one in the middle.  Introduce yourself to them and tell them that you are the lector for the Mass and you will be looking at them to see if they can hear you.  If they can't they are to shake their heads "No" and cup one hear.  If you are talking too fast they should motion with their hands to slow down.  Likewise they need to use their hands to signal that you should speed up.  And these are the people you smile to.

Now, begin and proclaim.  If you've prepared like I just instructed everyone will hear the Good News.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

New Skit


NARRATOR:        We were six walking today.  We were walking in a single line since the path was narrow.  Bill, as usual, was last because he was always taking pictures.  Alice, as usual, was first. She was born here and had walked these woods mostly every day of her life.  The rest of us had more or less lost our individuality in the confusion of conversations, rattling of water bottles, walking sticks, and branches snapping underfoot.

Suddenly we stopped because we became dimly aware of singing.  Nick, the leader of the group saw them first.  It was a man walking a dog.  They were singing John Denver’s song, “Sunshine On My Shoulders.”

Well!  , Bill, and Al just happen to belong to choral groups and they joined in the singing:

  Sunshine on my shoulders  make me happy.
  Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry.
  Sunshine on the water looks so lovely.

Everyone knew this song, so we all sang until we came abreast of the man and his dog.  We were all laughing as we enjoyed the spontaneous comradery.  We had a good time as we chatted about the perfect weather, gorgeous nature, and walking in the woods.  The man told us to walk around the Cow Cart Bridge to Wampanoag cliffs to see a breathtaking view of Boston and Rhode Island.

Alice was surprised.  She had lived here all her life and had never heard of Wampanoag Cliffs.  She knew Knuck Up Hill had a view of Boston but where was this place where we could see both Boston and Rhode Island?

We had to see this; so off we went.

NICK:      “You’ll be sorry.”

STEVE:  “What did he say?”

BILL:       “It sounded like you’ll be sorry, but he must have meant, you won’t be sorry.”

PETE:     Sorry.

EVERYONE:         Chuckled.

AL:          “Where was this Wampaoagh Cliffs?”  How come we never heard of it? 

PETE:     Sorry.

BILL:       What?

ALICE:   Let’s go.  Did he say to go through Burnt Swamp?

ZANOBIA:            Well, he mentioned Cow Cart Bridge.

AL:          Isn’t that the wooden walkway?

PETE:     Sorry

STEVE:  Yes.  Alice how come we never walk that way?

ALICE:   It’s too wet.  But we haven’t had rain in awhile so it can’t be too muddy.

STEVE:  There it is.

BILL:       Look at all these Lady Slippers

NARRATOR:        Bill stops to take pictures

PETE:     Sorry

ZANOBIA:            Who keeps saying Sorry?

NICK:     I thought I heard that.  Is that what it is saying?

NICK:     Is it you?


BILL:       The path is going up.

ALICE:   I’ve been this far.  There used to be a building for the ski tow cables—Oh it’s still here.  See up ahead.

PETE:     Sorry.

AL:          There it is, again.

NARRATOR:        Everyone was quiet and listening.

ZANOBIA:            What are we listening for?

NICK:     Someone keeps calling Sorry.

ZANOBIA:            Are you sure?

ALICE:   It’s creepy.

STEVE:  Oh Look at the view!

BILL:       Spectacular!

AL:          You can see Boston,  I wish it were earlier in the day, so. we could see it in bright  sunlight. 

NICK:     It’s only 6 o’clock.  Look at that storm cloud on the left.

NARRATOR:           Everyone was silent as they looked at the storm cloud approaching.   

PETE;     Sorry.

AL:          I heard it.  That’s what you’re talking about.

BILL:       YES!

ZANOBIA:            You know that storm cloud looks like a funnel.  It’s moving fast.  Is it a tornado?

ALICE:   Quick, let’s run to the shack.

NARRATOR:        Everyone ran, as big rain drops pelted down on them.  The door to the shack luckily wasn’t locked.                  They all rushed in.

STEVE:  Whew!  We made it.

AL:          Just in time.

ZANOBIA:            Boy are we lucky!

NICK:     Where did that storm come from?

NARRATOR:        Just then, the room lit up, followed a second later by thunder.

STEVE:  Yikes, that storm is directly over us.

AL:          Well, we’ll just have to wait it out.  Can we fit sitting down?

ALICE:                   Is there room?

ZANOBIA:            Wait a minute.   Bill is missing? 

NICK:     Oh no!

NARRATOR:        Thunder rocked the shack.  They opened the door a crack and looked out, but the wind was fierce and the rain blew in their faces.  But they called Bill.

STEVE:  What should we do?

ALICE:   Text him.


NICK:     Is there internet here?

STEVE:  I don’t know, but he’s not answering anyway.

AL:          Do you think he ran back down?

ZANOBIA:            Who knows?

NICK:     We’ll have to wait until the storm subsides a bit.

NARRATOR:        That little bit of time turned into an hour before they cracked the door open.

PETE:     Sorry.

ZANOBIA:            Not again.  Who keeps saying “Sorry.”

STEVE:  Look at that bird.  It’s a mockingbird. 

NICK:     Well that explains the “Sorry.”  The mockingbird is saying “Sorry.”

Alice:    Hey!  Let everyone call Bill

EVERYONE: Billy!!!

PETE:     BILLY!!!!

NICK:     I think I heard an echo.

AL:          How eerie.

STEVE:  Scary.

PETE:     Sorry.

NARRATOR:        Everyone laughed nervously.

NICK:     Loud sigh.

ALICE:   Well let’s start back down, hopefully Bill is waiting for us.

NARRATOR:        The storm turned the weather humid as the group trudge slowly in the darkening light through wet grass, mud, and slippery roots and rocks.

ZANOBIA:            How come the way home is always longer than going up?

NICK:     Maybe, because it’s taking us longer because the walking is treacherous.

STEVE:  It’s getting awfully dark.

ALICE:   I still hear thunder in the distance.

PETE:     Sorry.

AL:          How much longer do you think?

ZANOBIA:            20-30 minutes

EVERYONE:         groans.

AL:          I hope Bill is waiting for us, at the bottom.

ALICE:   Look.  Look!  A flashlight is coming up the hill.

NARRATOR:        Their hearts were beating  with joy as they rushed down.  The light came closer and closer.

NARRATOR:        But it wasn’t Bill.

PETE:     Hello!  Did you people get caught in the micro-burst?

ZANOBIA:            Is that what it was?

ALICE:   Yes, and we lost one of our group?  Did you see him?

PETE:     No, I didn’t see anyone.

AL:          Why are you going this way?  Shouldn’t we be going across the Burnt Swamp walkway?

PETE:     That’s flooded out.

AL:          Oh

STEVE: It is?

NARRATOR:        It wasn’t long before the group came to Trout Pond and the road leading to the parking lot.

ALICE:                   Look!  There’s Bill waiting for us.

EVERYONE:         Yay!  Alleluia!

EVERYONE:         What happened?

BILL:       I ran back before the storm and when i realized that no one was following me, I had no choice but to keep running back.  The downpour and wind whipped me along, all the way.

NARRATOR: What a relief!   But when the group went to introduce the man who helped them come down, he was gone!

PETE:     Sorry.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Nearer Than Before


God is Near Us by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger seemed like a good book to help me understand the Eucharist.  I'm endeavoring to understand the Eucharist as much as humanly possible.  God is Near Us helped me along.

I learned the origin, practice and meaning of Eucharist from the beginning.  Did you know that everyone received the Eucharist in their hands and standing!!!!---for the first nine centuries!!!!  Pope Benedict explained the historical context of such devotions as Adoration, Corpus Christi and the Mass, itself.

I understand more and feel closer to Jesus when I receive Communion, now.  I appreciate the celebrant's gestures and words.  My mind is catching up with my heart.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Watch List

 The Countries to keep an eye on for eruptions of violence: 

The most recent Countries of Particular Concern designations were made by the Secretary of State on November 15, 2021:

Burma, People’s Republic of China, Eritrea, Iran, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan.

The most recent Special Watch List designations were made by the Secretary of State on November 15, 2021:

Algeria, Comoros, Cuba, and Nicaragua.

The most recent Entities of Particular Concern designations were made by the Secretary of State on November 15, 2021:

Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the Houthis, ISIS, ISIS-Greater Sahara, ISIS-West Africa, Jamaat Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin, and the Taliban.

Prayers requested.

Saturday, June 11, 2022


 There are many gods in Greek mythology.  The god Zeus had mighty powers and handed down cruel punishments.  Tantalus was a king that was wicked and always testing Zeus.  One time Tantalus killed his own son, Pelops and served him in a stew.  He did this to see how smart the gods were.  The gods could tell that the stew wasn't right, but Demeter wasn't paying attention and ate the shoulder of Pelops.  That is why when the gods put Pelops back together, his shoulder was missing.  So he wore a prosthetic made of ivory.

To punish Tantalus, Zeus made Tantalus go forever thirsty and hungry.  In Hades, Tantalus stood in a pool of water and every time he bent to take a sip the water receded away from him, and every time he went to take a bite of the succulent fruit hanging right in front of him, he couldn't reach it.

Aren't you glad we have our Lord, Jesus Christ, who is all merciful?  Did you note that Tantalus' sin was to test the gods?  That's hubris.  Tantalus thought he was smarter than his gods.

But we shouldn't feel smug that we know our Lord is omniscient and we would never test Him.  After all, we test God every time we do what we want, when we know God wouldn't approve.  Who do we think we are?

                                                     by Gioacchino Assereto public domain

Friday, June 10, 2022

The Dominican Chaplet

 Helen, friend extraordinaire, made a few chaplets for me. I had this idea, years and years ago.  I've wanted to make a Dominican Chaplet ever since I read Patricia S. Quintiliani's book, My Treasury of Chaplets.  There's a Dominican Chaplet in it.

But I never got around to doing it.  Helen Tice did it.  

Lord Jesus, moved by the urgent need for Priests, Religious and Apostles, and following your recommendation to pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers for the salvation of souls, we implore You, through the intercession of our Holy Founder, St. Dominic, to increase in number the members of our Dominican family.
    Enlighten their minds, strengthen their wills, aid them to cultivate diligently the divine see planted in their hearts.  Guide them on the upward path of purity that leads to the summit of truth.
    Mary, Mother of Mercy, long ago you presented your servant Dominic to Jesus.  Now offer your sons and daughters to Him and make them worthy of their sublime mission.  Obtain for the Order faithful followers of its religious tradition and numerous apostles after the heart of Dominic.  Amen.


The Crucifix
The Sign of the Cross and the Apostles' Creed

The White Bead
Our Father for the intention of the Holy Father

The Blue Beads
Five Hail Marys for the joys of Jesus and Mary

The Black Beads
Five Hail Marys for the Sorrows of Jesus and Mary

The Gold Beads
Five Hail Marys for the Glories of Jesus and Mary

The White Bead
Our Father for the intention of the Master General and all Dominican leaders.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Update on Sister Gloria Narvaez Argoti

 This morning I was praying for those listed in my prayer intention book, and came across the name, Sister Gloria Narvaez Argoti.  She was a Franciscan who was kidnapped about five years ago.  I wondered what happened to her.

Thankfully, she is free.  The Vatican may have paid a ransom for her release.  Anyway, thanks be to God.

Go but Come Back

 This is my first attempt at this type of Bible Journaling.  This is the Gospel of Luke 9: 57-62.  I'm assign as Lector, the Sunday this Gospel is written.  Of course, I don't read the Gospel, but to fully prepare, I read all the day's readings.  That being said, the First Reading is 1 Kings 19: 16b, 19-21.  In it, the opposite seems to be said.

In Kings, Elisha is allowed to go back and say goodbye to his parents and to distribute his accumulation of goods.  But Jesus says if you have to go back then you can't be my disciple.

I take it for granted that Jesus can read hearts and knows that the young man is just looking for an excuse.  But I still wonder if that young man eventually will do what Elisha did.

That's not my conundrum.  How do I read Elijah telling Elisha "Go Back!"?

How should my tone convey go back and do what you need to  do to follow me?  

I am thinking of shrugging my shoulders as I tentatively say, "Go back."

A friend suggested that I just read it any ole way and let the Holy Spirit interpreted it for each person.  What do you think?

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Blessed Diana, Cecilia and Amata

 These ladies were around during Dominic's time on earth.  They helped spread the Order of Preachers. 

June 8: Memorial of Bl. Diana, Cecilia, and Amata, Virgins
On this day are jointly commemorated three of our Holy Father Saint Dominic's eldest spiritual daughters, who appear to have been singularly dear to him. Blessed Diana was a member of the noble family of d'Andalò, and it was she who persuaded her father and grandfather to make over to the Friars Preachers their rights over the Church of Saint Nicholas at Bologna, and to give them land for the site of a Convent. Despising the pomps and vanities of the world, she placed herself under the spiritual direction of Blessed Reginald, who, on his departure for Paris, confided her to the care of the holy Patriarch, Saint Dominic, and in his presence and that of Blessed Reginald, Blessed Guala, the Community of Saint Nicholas, and many noble ladies of Bologna, Diana bound herself by the vows of religion, though permitted for a time to remain in her father's house. There she led a life of penance and devotion, earnestly longing for the day when a Convent for religious women of the Order should be founded in her native city.
Saint Dominic entrusted the execution of this design to four of the principal Fathers at Bologna, charging them to begin it without waiting for the completion of their own Priory. Many difficulties, however, arose, and Blessed Diana had to encounter the most determined opposition on the part of her family. She fled for refuge to a neighboring Monastery, whence she was dragged with such violence as to fracture one of her ribs. After remaining a prisoner in her father's house for nearly a year, during which Saint Dominic consoled her by his letters, she again escaped to the same Convent, where this time she was suffered to remain until the new Convent of Saint Agnes was ready for her reception. This was not until after the death of Saint Dominic.
During the Octave of the Ascension, A.D. 1223, Blessed Jordan, who had succeeded our Holy Father in the government of the Order, installed Blessed Diana and some other noble maidens of Bologna in their new home; and a few weeks later, on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, he gave them the habit and afterwards admitted them to profession. To train them in religious life and in the ceremonies of the Order, he summoned four of the nuns from Saint Sixtus in Rome, and amongst them the Blessed Cecilia and Amata, the former of whom belonged to the noble family of the Cesarini, and had joined the Community in the Trastevere, which our Holy Father was commissioned to reform. When they were transferred to the Convent of Saint Sixtus, Cecilia, then only seventeen, was the first to throw herself at the feet of the Saint to beg for the habit of the Order. She now, at the age of twenty-three, became the first Prioress of the new Monastery at Bologna.
Of her companion, Blessed Amata, no particulars have been preserved. Some authors have believed her to be identical with the possessed woman who disturbed Saint Dominic's sermon at Saint Sixtus a few days after the profession of the nuns, and who was by him delivered from her tormentor and admitted into the Community, the Saint himself bestowing on her the sweet name of Amata, or " the Beloved." But, as it has been proved that this Sister went on pilgrimage to Saint James of Compostella at a date when the four Sisters from Saint Sixtus were already settled at Bologna, the theory in question is untenable.
Blessed Jordan watched with paternal tenderness over the young Community at Saint Agnes', whose fervor in penitential exercises he found himself obliged to moderate. He often consoled them by his letters, and commended himself and the success of his preaching to their prayers.
Blessed Diana lived in the Order for thirteen years in great humility and love of poverty, and in such fervor of spirit as frequently by her burning words to move the Sisters to tears of devotion. She happily departed to her Spouse on the 10th of June, A.D. 1236.
Blessed Cecilia lived to extreme old age. To her we are indebted for a most graphic and beautiful account of our Holy Father's life at Saint Sixtus and Santa Sabina. She died in the odor of sanctity A.D. 1290, and was buried in the same tomb with Blessed Diana and Amata. Their remains have been twice discovered and honorably translated. Pope Leo XIII has approved of the veneration paid to these holy Virgins, and given permission for their Mass and Office to be celebrated in the Archdiocese of Bologna and throughout the Dominican Order.
Prayer: O God, you endowed the blessed Diana, your virgin, with wonderful steadfastness of soul and gave her the blessed Cecilia and Amata as companions on the way of evangelical perfection, mercifully grant that we, too, through their example, may be strengthened in all trials and, by their help, be shielded against all foes. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Text from: "Short Lives of the Dominican Saints" by a Sister of the Congregation of St. Catherine of Siena (Stone, Staffordshire), 1901.
Image: This painting from the Dominican Nuns' convent in Rome shows St. Dominic and Bl. Jordan with Bl. Diana, Bl. Cecilia, and Bl. Amata. Photo by Fr. Lawrence Lew, O.P.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Spreading Christmas Cheer

 The reason I read this book was because I enjoyed the author's work.  Charlie Lovett wrote the Lost Book of the Grail, which I enjoyed very much.  But the Further Adventures of Ebenezer Scrooge is completely different.  This little novel is a "take off" of Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol.

It's a fun tale.  Scrooge is a changed man.  His joy spreads Christmas every day.  In this story, Bob Cratchit and Scrooge's nephew, Freddy, are the joyless, skinflints. Scrooge calls upon his ghost friends to do to these two grouches what they did to him.  That's the plot.

It's a very easy, small book.  Everyone needs a little Christmas in their life.  

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Systemic Hatred

 My "cloistered brother" was relating his experience at his appearance in court, for an appeal.  The attorney for prosecution actually said,

He has been a model inmate for as long as he has been incarcerated.  He has attended programs and even initiated new programs.  What a manipulative, evil genius!!!!!!

So when you do your best--you're manipulative?

Some people are just "haters."  They look at others with suspicion/hate.  Some people are biased for reasons no one can explain.  Unfortunately, when they work in law enforcement, it affects people.

Maybe, everyone needs mental health counseling to find out if they're suited for their jobs.

Anyway, please pray that my "cloistered brother" gets his appeal approved.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

The Lord is Always With Me


 Psalm 16

R (cf. 5a) You are my inheritance, O Lord.
Keep me, O God, for in you I take refuge;
            I say to the LORD, “My Lord are you.
O LORD, my allotted portion and my cup,
            you it is who hold fast my lot.”
You are my inheritance, O Lord.
I bless the LORD who counsels me;
            even in the night my heart exhorts me.
I set the LORD ever before me;
            with him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed.
You are my inheritance, O Lord.
Therefore my heart is glad and my soul rejoices,
            my body, too, abides in confidence
because you will not abandon my soul to the netherworld,
            nor will you suffer your faithful one to undergo corruption.
You are my inheritance, O Lord.
You will show me the path to life,
            fullness of joys in your presence,
            the delights at your right hand forever.
You are my inheritance, O Lord.


Psalm 16 is called a Michtam of David.  Michtam means golden, although some say it is a word related to cover.  This psalm was written in times of peril, the word take cover seems more appropriate.  The whole psalm shows how David found peace and some relief in perilous times.  In our world, maybe we should memorize this psalm to pray.


David certainly understood what his body and soul were feeling.  He knew the words to covey his feelings and thought to the Lord.  The Lord is everything and will never abandon us.


Lord, I pray to have David's attitude.  He was confident in Your Love and Care.  I need to believe like David.  Help me Lord.


David's heart instructed him about His Ways.  David found peace and joy in contemplating the Lord.


I should listen to the Lord more, like David.

Granddaughter's Effort

 My writer's group, Franklin Senior Scribblers, is on the radio .  So, when I learned that my granddaughter only had a half-day of schoo...