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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival

Two of my favorite blogs, that I check out just about every day is Michael Seagriff's Harvesting the Fruit of Contemplation and Christopher Smith's Christopher's Apologies.  Both bloggers are my confreres, but I would willing read their blogs every day, anyway.

Talking about blogs, today is Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival.  We bloggers link together at This And that And the Other Thing and share our week's posts.  This week I posted:

Sunday--The first thing I'm going to do when I die and see Jesus, is jump his bones.  But I'm in no rush to get there.

Monday--Matthew 20: 1-16a.

Tuesday--Book review

Wednesday--Riding my bike along Cape Cod Canal

Thursday--I went to hear the author of Jesus A Pilgrimage, speak.

Friday--Don't trust Main Stream Media.

Saturday--I went on retreat.

It's a busy week and I'm really on retreat so click yourself over to R'Ann's and do your own spiritual reading.

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