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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunday Snippets -- A Catholic Carnival

Here we sit again, surfing the net, and reading blogs.  As usual on Sunday, I'm linking up to the blog, This And That And The Other Thing. Go to it and read some other blogs; you're sure to find something interesting.  We bloggers are sharing our parish activities.

I am a lector.  I belong to the parish prayer group.  I also go to the parish book club.  I belong to two book clubs, one secular and one the parish's.  I'm the president of the parish's women's club.  I go to one of the parish's Bible Study.  We use the Little Rock Scripture Series.  I go to a different parish's Bible sharing, too, because as a lector I find it very useful to discuss the coming Sunday's readings; this parish does this, mine doesn't.  Also, in this other parish, I help with their Adult Formation, because my own parish really doesn't have any Adult religious ed.  In this other parish, I go to their Ultreya meetings, because again, my parish doesn't have one.

I facilitate RCIA in a local prison; that's my personal apostolate as a Lay Dominican following the spirituality of Pere Jean-Joseph Lataste.

In between all of the above, I managed to post the following this week:

Monday  --  Short story with a recipe

Tuesday  --  If I ever get a tattoo, it would be this one (Hey, you don't put a bumper sticker on a Lamborghini.)

Wednesday --  You should try this interrogation technique.

Thursday  --  Prove your love for God by pushing yourself to lecture about lust to an all male audience.

Friday  --  Praying for our country

Saturday  --  Postures for prayer

God bless.

Who Watches the Watchers

 Another free ebook from the Gutenberg project and another Joseph Muller mystery is my subject.  The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor...