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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunday Snippets -- A Catholic Carnival

This week, my fellow Catholic bloggers and I, at R'Ann's site, are discussing Mass hymns. Unfortunately, music is not one of my gifts.  I think I have weak auditory perception since I have never been able to learn a foreign language (I grew up with Lithuanian spoken at home, I had four years of high school French,and two years of college French, and private tutoring before visiting France.)  Maybe, it's that, but the only music I like is happy, clappy, charismatic music.  So I love, absolutely love, the music my "cloistered brothers" sing.  R'Ann said that Amazing Grace is her favorite.  It's mine, too, but only when my "cloistered brothers" sing it.  They belt it out!  They bring the roof down.  They bring tears to my eyes. It's because they mean those words.  They have lived it.

Other hymns I like to hear them sing, are the ones they identify with, like Amazing Grace, I've been Redeemed, I'll Fly Away, and their special arrangement of the Gloria.  Wow!

You might like to read what my friends like too.  Click on over to This And That And The Other Thing Blog to read other posts.  As for me, I've been busy:

Sunday  --  Behind the Phantom Gourmet

Monday  --  Maire Bailly and Dr. Alexis Carrel 

Tuesday  --  Pop Quiz

Wednesday  --  A true story of my family's first night on our sailboat.

Thursday  --  A reflection on Luke 5: 1-11.

Friday  --  Complaining about hubby.

Saturday  --  Praying for hubby.

Life goes on.  My new granddaughter is being baptized today.  Sorry no pictures.  Her parents are very private.  But prayers to keep her close to God all her life will be appreciated.  Thank you.

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