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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Freedom is Acknowledgement of Sin

"When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at the knees of Jesus and said, 'Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.'"  This verse is the crux of the meditation in Magnificat, Sept. 2014, Vol. 16, No.7 issue, pages 64-5.  Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio (before becoming Pope Francis) states:

From that moment on, Simon Peter never separates these two dimensions of his life: he will always confess that he is a sinful man and a fisher of men.  His sins will not prevent him from accomplishing the mission he has received...
...Thus, what follows from every sinner's conversion is mission: the desire that others may receive the same gift of forgiveness which Jesus has bestowed upon the pardoned sinner.  True conversion always entails an apostolic dimension!  It always means to stop focusing on one's "own interests" and to start looking after the "interests of Christ Jesus."

This is what Pere Lataste knew.  This conversion is the origin of Bethany.  As a Dominican Sister from Venlo stated in meditation:

It is not about being able to present a perfect self or a perfect conversion, nor a perfection confession, nor is it about being perfect. It is only about opening a little crack in our heart, for Him who desires to come into our heart. That is what conversion is: to leave the past behind; that is what Fr. Lataste meant!

And after that acknowledgement of sin, of dependence upon the mercy of God, comes the joy that cannot be contained.  One must shout it out.  One is forced to preach.  This is why Peter left his nets and went forth.  This is why the women from Cadillac prison left their shackles and spread the Good News.  You cannot hold back the Holy Spirit.

Who Watches the Watchers

 Another free ebook from the Gutenberg project and another Joseph Muller mystery is my subject.  The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor...