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Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Price of a Ticket

Tonight some friends and myself went to a lecture by Father James Martin, sj.  Father Martin is promoting his book, Jesus, A Pilgrimage, and that was the title of his talk.  He gave the human interest stories.  I, in particular, enjoyed them because his companion on the pilgrimage was Father George Williams, sj, whom I also know, and could just picture the two of them gallivanting through the Holy Land.

I bought the book, but I didn't want to wait in line for Father Martin to sign it.  There were two other strange occurrences tonight.  A man and his son sat next to us.  He did a double-take and asked, "Are you people from Franklin?"  He recognized us from church.  His son goes to Boston College, and that's where we all were.

The other occurrence was not a happy one.  We lost the ticket to the parking garage and had to pay an exorbitant price to get out.  But, if you consider that the talk was free, it was worth it.

I can't wait to start reading Jesus, A Pilgrimage.

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