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Sunday, September 11, 2022

What Kind of Shepherd Ignores His Sheep?

 Today I confronted Cardinal Sean Patrick O'Malley.  I've been waiting over a year to do this.  I'm referring to the letter I wrote to the Cardinal.  I wrote one to the pope, too.  I also wrote one to Bishop Robert Reed, but I haven't had a chance to ask him about it.

Anyway, the letter (refer to the link in the above paragraph) asked Cardinal O'Malley to support the canonization of Father Jean-Joseph Lataste.

Today, I had the opportunity to confront the cardinal.  I went to Mass at Fatima Shrine in Holliston, MA.  The priests who minister at the shrine, the Xaverians were celebrating their 75 years of ministry in the USA and asked the Cardinal to come celebrate the Mass.

I was blessed to be the Lector at the Mass.

After Mass, there was a collation.  My friend had a medal that she was hoping to have blessed by the cardinal.  I asked her if I could ask him to bless it.  She agreed.  

I asked his eminence to bless the medal.  Then!  I commented on his homily on the Good Shepherd, Luke 15: 1-7, by asking "What kind of shepherd ignores his sheep?"  I continued by telling him that I sent him a letter in January, 2021 and never received an answer.  It was asking his support for the canonization of Father Jean-Joseph Lataste.  The Cardinal responded by saying that he knows nothing about it.  I finished by saying that his secretaries should at least send form letters out to people who write to him acknowledging receipt of their letters.  He said, "Thank you for telling me."

I pray he does have his secretaries acknowledge ALL letters.  After all, what kind of shepherd ignores his sheep?

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