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Thursday, September 29, 2022

The Well Dressed Priest

 Since Saturday was the beginning of the Jewish holidays, and their New Year, I've been thinking of the Catholic Liturgical Year, which begins in Advent.  So my grandchildren and I were talking about the Liturgical Year and how the priest's vestment colors change with the year.  Accordingly we made some vestments.  We have a stole for the priest or deacon and some chasubles to match the liturgical seasons.

They are made of felt.  We have a white ribbon to use as a stole.  White is used for Christmas, Easter, Baptisms, Confirmations, Weddings, and Funerals.  Green is for Ordinary Time.  Purple is for Advent and Lent. Red is for Pentecost and Masses celebrating martyrs.  We chose to use yellow to represent Triduum.  Since we didn't have a male doll, we used a cross to dress with our home-made chasubles. Since we are still in Ordinary time, the cross is wearing green.

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