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Monday, May 16, 2022

Christianity is Relational

 Christianity is not an ideology.  People meet Jesus through His presence in their lives. Somewhere, somehow, most people have an encounter with God.  A few people may think their way into encountering God, but most of us can tell when, where, and how it happened.

As for me, I brought a friend to a "healing Mass."  I wasn't expecting anything.  I was accommodating a friend.  But I went up to be healed because I was following the crowd.  Father Aniello asked me what I was praying for.  I didn't know what to say, so I said, "my family."  Anyway, surprisingly I felt my hands tingle with energy, then my forearms and the energy traveled up.  Father then pulled me close to him so that our foreheads touched.  Bam!  My head heated up.

It scared me.  I went back to my pew and tried to figure out what happened.  Whatever happened, left me with an insatiable desire to know everything about the Holy Spirit.  I love Him.

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