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Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Bed of Faith

This morning I was reading many articles.  All of the articles had to do with people losing their faith.  Among the many authors, Rajan Zed said something that made me think all day.

People leave the church for the same reason people fall out of bed.  They weren't in deep enough.

Think about it.  Everyone has a place to sleep = everyone is given faith.  Why do you fall out of bed = why do you fall out of your faith.  The answer to both is the same--you weren't in deep enough.

You weren't deep in your bed = you didn't understand your faith.  You were sleeping on the edge = you didn't know much about your faith.  Both cause you to fall out.

Someone pushes you out of the bed = some person didn't act appropriately.  An earthquake shook you out of bed = a personal trauma made you lose faith. 

You didn't understand that sleeping in the middle would prevent you from falling out of bed = learning about your faith will strengthen your relationship with God.

Faith as a bed
is an amusing analogy.  One more:

You can get back in the bed and get a good night's sleep = You can pray and learn to have faith and life will be better.

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