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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Old People Count Too

Joan Junghanns and I went on one of our hikes to the Bay Circuit Trail and Medfield Charles River State Reservation.
           I parked the car right next to a tree that said Bay Circuit Trail.  We followed an old paved road that was pretty much overgrown.  These are a type of roses that were EVERYWHERE:
           We followed the road to the end. It ended at the Charles River. Here is a picture of more roses reflected across the river.

At one time there was a bridge spanning this section of the Charles River.  It was called Death Bridge simply because the people that lived on the property had the last name of Death. 
     We cut across some fields to walk along an eskar. An eskar is a high ridge formed by a retreating glacier.  We would have walked further but the gunshots were getting louder.  The Massachusetts State Police have a firing range nearby.  We didn't want to get shot.  We were thinking of the black people that were shot by the police and the Black Lives Matter movement. Joan and I said that if either one of us were shot by these staties, we'd start a movement called Old People Count Too!  And our dead body would be attributed to trying to cross Death Bridge.
      Now we were getting silly.  Time to go home.  Here's another picture of the Charles.

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Course Correction

  LECTIO:                                          1 Corinthians 12:12-30 Brothers and sisters: As a body is one though it has many parts, a...