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Friday, June 19, 2020

Friday After the Second Sunday After Pentecost

Today is the Friday After the Second Sunday After Pentecost or Friday in the Octave of the Feast of Corpus Christi/the Body of Christ or the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Just think, today is the day we celebrate the Sacred Heart.

From as far back as human minds can remember, the heart has been a symbol of love.  I like to think that is because when you are in love it is an indescribable feeling from very deep inside of you.  What is deep inside you?  What constantly beats life into us?  My answer is the heart.  It is the heart that beats life.  IOW, the heart is God way of giving us His love.  He gives us life with a heart.  It only seems fitting that we think of God's heart when we think of His love for us.  That's my meditation on His Sacred Heart.

This Heart full of Love may have existed forever but the promotion for reverence towards His Heart is credited to two Visitation Sisters, i.e., Margaret Mary Alacoque and Anne-Madeline Remuzat.  Margaret Mary had visions to promote devotion to the Sacred Heart and Anne-Madeline continued her work.

In the 18th century, the Bubonic Plague was devastating to the population.  Processions and consecrations dedicated to the Sacred Heart are credited with ending this pandemic. 

Let us pray that we all respond to the Love of Jesus.

Let us pray that the love of Jesus' heart may touch the world with healing and peace.

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