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Monday, July 31, 2017

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!

August 8th is the Feast of St. Dominic.  Start praying a novena to Saint Dominic, today.  I'm using the one from the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia.

We look to St. Dominic, great Light of the Church
 and Doctor of Truth, and to the saints of the Order, 
that we may be of use to the souls of others.
 (Basic Constitutions)
This novena is prayed by our community (Dominicans of St. Cecilia)
as we approach the feast of St. Dominic. We invite you to pray with us,
asking the intercession of St. Dominic on behalf of the needs of the
world and for your own personal intentions.  (Success for the General
Chapter of the Xaverian Missionaries and for Christine to be healed.)

First Day: The Force of Good Example

He shone in his days as the morning star, in the midst of a cloud,
and as the moon at the full; and as the sun, when it shines, so did
he shine in the temple of God. (Sirach 50:6,7)
St. Dominic was born in Spain in 1170. With the dawn of reason his
whole soul turned to God. His childhood was most pious and his youth
angelic in purity. In the University of Palencia he was the model student.
 At twenty five he became a canon regular at Osma, and with the
religious habit he put on the Lord Jesus and strove in all things to
imitate Him. His time was divided into prayer, study of Scripture, and
com­munity duties. Silence and retirement were his delight; works of
penance and tears of contrition his meat and drink. Going in 1205 to
France, he spent many years in every kind of labor for the conversion
of the Albigensian heretics. Like Jesus Christ he passed the day in
apostolic work, the night in prayer. His penance was extreme, but to
others he was gentle, sweet, and kind. Many were converted by his
miracles, many by the example of his holy life. Six times he jour­neyed
to Rome, once to Spain, once to Paris, walking barefoot, praying or
singing on the road; preaching in the towns and villages, spending the
nights in contemplation. He founded in 1215 the Order of Friars
Preachers for the conversion of souls. He was a man of truly apostolic
heart, a column of the Faith, a trumpet of the Gospel, the light of Christ
to men. He died at Bologna in 1221.
Pray for us, blessed father, St. Dominic, That we may be made worthy
of the prom­ises of Christ.
Let us pray, O most enlightened teacher of divine truth, Holy Father St.
Dominic, who taught what was profitable for salvation and made
yourself all things to all men, that you might win all to Christ; help us to
close our ears and hearts to all false doctrine and whatever may be
harmful to our souls and to open them joyfully to the truths of Holy
Church. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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