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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday Snippets -- A Catholic Carnival

This week was wicked awesome.  The family was on vacation in Brewster, MA, which is Cape Cod.  I know I live on the Cape, but not this Cape!  I live on Vineyard Sound.  The water is calm and warm.  Where we were was the National Cape Cod Seashore.  A new world opened up for me.  Hubby and I were remarking that we were falling in love with Cape Cod, all over again.

We also were simultaneously reading Henry David Thoreau's Cape Cod, (free ebook)  and Henry Beston's The Outermost House.  We were so excited that we kept reading aloud to each other (which we both abhor) and snatching the books out of each other's hand.  Then we'd go find exactly what Thoreau and Beston were describing.

Beston's Outermost House was the inspiration for the Kennedy's (Senator and President) to push for making the Cape Cod National Seashore.  Deo Gratias.

Can you imagine the development that would have taken place, were not this part of the Cape designated as a national park?  I shudder to think of it.

The shipwrecks and forts this part of the Cape inhabit are tourist areas.  The coast guard certainly cemented their need, here.  I thought of my dad.  He would have loved this part of the Cape.  He served in the seabees, during World War II.  He was about 35 years old when he joined.  He was really too old, and had three children to support, but the country was attacked and all able bodied men were called to arms.  My mother was shocked.  I guess he just went and joined up without any consultation with the rest of the family.  That's the way he was.  He always just did whatever whim entered his head, and everyone else be damned.  That's how we ended up with cats, dogs, chicks, and rabbits.  And that's how he enlisted in the navy.  Although patriotic fever was sweeping across the country, at the time.  

We were having such a good time, that I was too busy to spend much time on the computer.  Also, the internet kept going out.  I was thinking it was my computer, but now that I'm home, the internet is fine.  Anyway, I managed to post the following:

Monday -- I thought my computer was dying, or I needed a new router, or it was just too damn                              windy.  But I didn't care.  Imagine that!  I was having too much fun being busy.

Tuesday -- Saunteuring with Thoreau.

Wednesday -- Interesting find in the Pilgrim Monument Museum.

Thursday and Friday --  Book Review of Zero Alternative.

Saturday --  Saying goodbye to the beach.

Now I'm linking up with some fellow bloggers at This And That And The Other Thing.  We do this every Sunday.  Click on over there, and read some other blogs.  It's good Sunday reading.

Course Correction

  LECTIO:                                          1 Corinthians 12:12-30 Brothers and sisters: As a body is one though it has many parts, a...