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Monday, May 5, 2014

World Communications Day 2014

All these selfies?

"It is not enough to be passersby on the digital highways, simply “connected”; connections need to grow into true encounters. We cannot live apart, closed in on ourselves. We need to love and to be loved. We need tenderness."
- Pope Francis, Message for World Communications Day 2014
Does it seem to you that people don't communicate with each other, like they use to.  Everybody seems to be looking at their phone.

I'm beginning to think that looking at the phone is an avoidance technique.  They feel alone and don't want to look alone, so they look busy.  Let's change this fad/idea/culture.  Say something: "Nice day!", "You look happy, today.", ask for direction, ask for help, etc.  Just break in and ENCOUNTER.

1. Follow “True Encounter” on Facebook and Twitter (
2. Turn a virtual interaction into something practical. For example:
-- Don’t just ‘like’ or ‘retweet’ a friend’s post, call him/her and ask how they are.
-- Instead of ‘sharing’ a cause on Facebook, write a letter to a politician or give a generous donation to practically support that cause.
-- ‘Accept’ an invitation to a Catholic event, and actually show up!
-- Or another idea that you can come up with... 

3. Share a photo with us, or tell us how you responded to this challenge, by using the hashtag #TrueEncounter

Let's make World Communications Day -- June 1, 2014, change the culture.  Spread the word.

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