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Friday, May 23, 2014

Unwanted Books

This morning I was sorting through books.  I was helping the library for their book sale, tomorrow.  I found an almost brand new Bible.  It had a name and date.  I cleaned from the bookplate that this Bible was bought in 2013 for a 9th grade religion class.  It looked brand new.  I surmised it was hardly used and now that school is almost over, the student gave the book to the library.

How sad!  A Bible can be used for a lifetime.  Even if one isn't religious, a Bible is a reference source.

Education is wasted on the young.  Of course I bought it.  I'm also praying for the person who donated the book, that he especially be graced with understanding to know how important the book he threw away is.

Course Correction

  LECTIO:                                          1 Corinthians 12:12-30 Brothers and sisters: As a body is one though it has many parts, a...