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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Eye and Ear Openers

St. Bernardino of Siena

A funny thing happened at the abbey, today.  I was attending daily Mass and looked over at the nuns' section, and they had no shepherdess.  The stall for the Abbess was empty.  Mass was being celebrated by three or four monks.  And it was a Mass for the Holy Spirit.

What was going on?

The Conventual Chapter was electing a new Abbess, today.  It was a special occasion.  Looking at their Facebook page, I see that Mother Maureen McCabe was reelected for a second six year term.  May God bless her work.

Driving to the abbey, I was listening to Father Mitch Pacwa, on EWTN radio.  Today is the feast of St. Bernardino of Siena.  Father Pacwa said St. Bernidiene added the name, "Jesus", to the Hail Mary Prayer.  For that I give him thanks.

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