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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Turning the Corner

The Archdiocese of Boston has turned the corner.  That's what Father George said in Sunday's homily.  After years of being ashamed and struggling and plodding along to keep the faith, there's hope.  Father George related an experience he had as he was walking to a parishioner's home.  A young man across the street from where he was walking raised his hand in a salute and shouted, "The Pope's the man!"  This is the equivalent of "hurrah!"

Father George also told the story of something that happened at a catechesis class for adults.  This class had been advertised for weeks before it began.  The night it started, the priests and teachers were outside the church to greet the people coming to class.  A man came holding a baby.  He said he was coming, but forgot something.  He asked a lady to hold his baby.  She did.  He went.

He was gone.  The class was held and he didn't return.  The class ended and he wasn't back.  As they were discussing what to do, the man appeared.  He thanked the lady holding his baby and took the baby.  He also gave her something in return--a gun.  He swapped the baby for the gun.  He said he went off to kill himself, but decided he couldn't.  He came back to try and start all over, for his baby.

Granddaughter's Effort

 My writer's group, Franklin Senior Scribblers, is on the radio .  So, when I learned that my granddaughter only had a half-day of schoo...