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Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Touch of Faith

The Papal Theologian, Fr. Wojciech Giertych, O.P., shares his thoughts on Faith.  He brings to mind the woman who touches the hem of Jesus' garment.  (Mark 5:25-34)  Father explains, "She touched Jesus' coat with her finger, but she touched his heart with her faith.  Jesus knows this, He said, 'because the power came out of me.'  What this means is that every time we make an act of faith, 'the power of God comes out of God and fills us,' Father Giertych explained.  The initial act of faith comes from God, but it still requires a response from us.  The possibility of making the act of faith comes from God because faith is a grace, but the lighting of the sparkplug is up to us.  We make these acts of faith because we've been enabled by God to do this."

The Papal Theologian's words resonate with me.  The spark plug is ignited, and we can idle, or we can go someplace.  It's up to us.

Fr. Giertych is not participating actively in the current Synod of Bishops.  He's an observer.  He's an observer applying Thomistic eyes to see that which is not evident.  All through the grace of God.  

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