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Monday, October 29, 2012

Bible Sharing Meme

I'll have you know that I've never broken a "meme."  Not me.  I've always, always, carried through my part of the deal.  But I've never been the recipient of the completion of a meme.

My first one was when I was first married.  Hubby and I were invited to join in one where we sent the first name on the list a $ 1.00.  We followed directions and sent the money and sent the meme on.  We never received a penny from anyone else.

Another one was when my first child was a toddler.  This one involved sending a book to another child.  I did.  I got nothing.

Then there was a dish cloth one.  I sent a dish cloth to someone.  As usual, I received nothing.

Recently, I received a Bible Sharing Meme.  I sent my favorite Bible verse to the first name on the list.  Then I sent the meme on to ten others.  At least this meme didn't involve any money or effort.  I thought that would be the end of it--and that no one would reciprocate.

Well, I was wrong.  Someone sent the meme back and just put my name in twice.  ????  Ugh.  She didn't understand.  Typical of my luck and experience with memes.

However, just now I was blessed.  John, a Jesuit scholastic that I barely know (I met him a long time ago), send me this.

 Ps 23  esp. vs. 4 and 6 (in bold)

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. 
He makes me lie down in green pastures;
he leads me beside still waters;                                                                                            
he restores my soul.
He leads me in right paths
for his Name's sake.

Even though I walk 
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil;
for You are with me;
Your rod and your staff -
they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me 
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me 
all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD
my whole life long 

This is apropos for this very minute; we're in the middle of a hurricane!  A mutual friend must have sent John the meme.  I know I didn't.  And now God sent me this Psalm.

I feel much better.

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