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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Day to Honor Our Blessed Mother

Fr. Myers, O.P.
Yesterday, I went down to Thomas Aquinas Priory, in Providence, RI, for a Day to Honor Our Blessed Mother, Queen of the Holy Rosary.  It was sponsored by the Lay Dominican Chapter of Our Lady of Divine Providence and St. Thomas Aquinas.  They always do something to honor Mary in October.  It's a time of Marian reflection.

Fr. Petri, O.P.
Ms. Catherine Perrotti, O. P.

Yesterday was no exception.  The day began with a welcome from the prior, Very Rev. Edward T. Myers, O.P.  He was very gracious.  I also know him as the religious assistant to the St. Martin de Porres Chapter, in Natick.

Next, Miss Catherine Perrotti, O.P., led us in prayer and singing.  The main speaker was Father Thomas Petri, O.P..  His approach was through Mary, you find her Son.  The title of his talk was, "Mary: Disciple of Her Son."  His spin was different.  We were led to see Jesus as a mother would see a son, as a good Jewish daughter to Yahweh, as someone  graced to share in the Redemption.  I'm still reflecting upon these various images and reflections.

Father Petri also heard Confessions and celebrated Mass.  Of course we prayed the Rosary, during Confession.  It's simply, a simple day of recollection, focusing on Mary.  That's enough.

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