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Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Bible Sharing Meme
I'll have you know that I've never broken a "meme." Not me. I've always, always, carried through my part of the deal. But I've never been the recipient of the completion of a meme.
My first one was when I was first married. Hubby and I were invited to join in one where we sent the first name on the list a $ 1.00. We followed directions and sent the money and sent the meme on. We never received a penny from anyone else.
Another one was when my first child was a toddler. This one involved sending a book to another child. I did. I got nothing.
Then there was a dish cloth one. I sent a dish cloth to someone. As usual, I received nothing.
Recently, I received a Bible Sharing Meme. I sent my favorite Bible verse to the first name on the list. Then I sent the meme on to ten others. At least this meme didn't involve any money or effort. I thought that would be the end of it--and that no one would reciprocate.
Well, I was wrong. Someone sent the meme back and just put my name in twice. ???? Ugh. She didn't understand. Typical of my luck and experience with memes.
However, just now I was blessed. John, a Jesuit scholastic that I barely know (I met him a long time ago), send me this.
Ps 23 esp. vs. 4 and 6 (in bold)
This is apropos for this very minute; we're in the middle of a hurricane! A mutual friend must have sent John the meme. I know I didn't. And now God sent me this Psalm.
I feel much better.
My first one was when I was first married. Hubby and I were invited to join in one where we sent the first name on the list a $ 1.00. We followed directions and sent the money and sent the meme on. We never received a penny from anyone else.
Another one was when my first child was a toddler. This one involved sending a book to another child. I did. I got nothing.
Then there was a dish cloth one. I sent a dish cloth to someone. As usual, I received nothing.
Recently, I received a Bible Sharing Meme. I sent my favorite Bible verse to the first name on the list. Then I sent the meme on to ten others. At least this meme didn't involve any money or effort. I thought that would be the end of it--and that no one would reciprocate.
Well, I was wrong. Someone sent the meme back and just put my name in twice. ???? Ugh. She didn't understand. Typical of my luck and experience with memes.
However, just now I was blessed. John, a Jesuit scholastic that I barely know (I met him a long time ago), send me this.
Ps 23 esp. vs. 4 and 6 (in bold)
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures;
he leads me beside still waters;
he restores my soul.
He leads me in right paths
for his Name's sake.
Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil;
for You are with me;
Your rod and your staff -
they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD
my whole life long This is apropos for this very minute; we're in the middle of a hurricane! A mutual friend must have sent John the meme. I know I didn't. And now God sent me this Psalm.
I feel much better.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
MOP Concert
When I first saw one of their priests, I did a double take. I thought he was a Dominican with a blue cummabun. Then I learned that he belonged to an Order called the Missionaries of the Poor.
When I first saw the initials, after their name, I thought they were Missionary Dominicans, i.e., Missionaries of the Order of Preachers.
Wrong in both cases. The Missionaries of the Poor started in 1981. There are brothers, priests, sisters, and lay associates. They work with the poorest of the poor, for no money. They exist on donations and put on concerts like the one I went to tonight.
I really didn't want to go. I went to support my neighbor who goes down to Jamaica, to help the MOP. Was I surprised! The concert was excellent!
The music was written by their founder and superior general, Rev. Fr. Richard Ho Lung, MOP. The music was Caribbean style (think Harry Belafonte). It was so wonderful and uplifting that he had the audience standing, clapping, singing, and dancing. Yes, that's right--dancing in the aisles.
It got me up and singing. And! I spent my last dollar buying three of their CD's.
(Don't tell Hubby.)
I took the long way home and popped in a CD and sang all the way back. Praise God. Thank you, Jesus.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Carlos Makes Us Proud
Carlos knocked our socks off, today. He gave a Talk for the first time. There were no "ahs" and no "umms." He was articulate, cool, and projected his voice well. You would have swore he was a professional speaker.
We were at Boston College's School of Theology and Ministry. The major speaker was Father Greg Boyle, sj. He spoke in the morning about Home Boys. Fr. Greg works with gangs in Los Angeles. He's written a couple of books. Tattoos on the Heart is the famous one.
Father G is an entertaining speaker. He's quite funny.
After lunch, Sister Maureen Clark, CSJ, from the women's prison in Framingham, MA, spoke. She talked with riveting seriousness. She spoke of the heart rendering separation of women from their families. Sister Maureen has started many programs to help the women, one of which was a reading program. Moms read a story to their children. This was put on DVD and the DVD and the book were sent to the child.
Both Father G and Sister Maureen spoke of the value of support, after an offender leaves prison. Without a job, there's no way the ex-con can avoid going back to prison. Ex-prisoners need support, a job, and a home.
These concerns were emphasized by Carlos, who had served over 17 years. When he was released, he had nobody. Luckily he connected with Bethany House Ministries. They were his life-line. They helped him find a job and a place to live. Carlos is one of the lucky ones.
Other speakers were Janet Connors, who lost her son to violence, and Leo Vercollone, who offers jobs to many prisoners. All were powerful speakers. However, Carlos was my favorite.
We were at Boston College's School of Theology and Ministry. The major speaker was Father Greg Boyle, sj. He spoke in the morning about Home Boys. Fr. Greg works with gangs in Los Angeles. He's written a couple of books. Tattoos on the Heart is the famous one.
Father G is an entertaining speaker. He's quite funny.
After lunch, Sister Maureen Clark, CSJ, from the women's prison in Framingham, MA, spoke. She talked with riveting seriousness. She spoke of the heart rendering separation of women from their families. Sister Maureen has started many programs to help the women, one of which was a reading program. Moms read a story to their children. This was put on DVD and the DVD and the book were sent to the child.
Both Father G and Sister Maureen spoke of the value of support, after an offender leaves prison. Without a job, there's no way the ex-con can avoid going back to prison. Ex-prisoners need support, a job, and a home.
These concerns were emphasized by Carlos, who had served over 17 years. When he was released, he had nobody. Luckily he connected with Bethany House Ministries. They were his life-line. They helped him find a job and a place to live. Carlos is one of the lucky ones.
Other speakers were Janet Connors, who lost her son to violence, and Leo Vercollone, who offers jobs to many prisoners. All were powerful speakers. However, Carlos was my favorite.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
The Touch of Faith
The Papal Theologian, Fr. Wojciech Giertych, O.P., shares his thoughts on Faith. He brings to mind the woman who touches the hem of Jesus' garment. (Mark 5:25-34) Father explains, "She touched Jesus' coat with her finger, but she touched his heart with her faith. Jesus knows this, He said, 'because the power came out of me.' What this means is that every time we make an act of faith, 'the power of God comes out of God and fills us,' Father Giertych explained. The initial act of faith comes from God, but it still requires a response from us. The possibility of making the act of faith comes from God because faith is a grace, but the lighting of the sparkplug is up to us. We make these acts of faith because we've been enabled by God to do this."
The Papal Theologian's words resonate with me. The spark plug is ignited, and we can idle, or we can go someplace. It's up to us.
Fr. Giertych is not participating actively in the current Synod of Bishops. He's an observer. He's an observer applying Thomistic eyes to see that which is not evident. All through the grace of God.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Shin Splints
I take it as a sign from God. Only two days into my running regimen, and I've got a shin splint. Two days!
And I wasn't pushing it; I wasn't even running! I haven't been doing any exercise, all summer. It's time to get back into shape. I started yesterday. I know I can't jump in and run a mile. Yesterday, I walked for half an hour. That's all.
Almost home and I felt pain. It was in the muscle tissue surrounding my tibia. I've had it before. I recognized it for what it is, i.e., medial tibial stress syndrome--shin splint.
I was praying a rosary, while I walked, too.
Lord, you know my strengths and weaknesses. You also know that I desire to be with you now and for all eternity. Come, Jesus, and fill me with your strength and your courage. Lord, I want to persevere in running and finishing the race with you!
While healing, I won't walk uphill. I might bicycle, but not uphill. Definitely, I'll keep praying the rosary.
And I wasn't pushing it; I wasn't even running! I haven't been doing any exercise, all summer. It's time to get back into shape. I started yesterday. I know I can't jump in and run a mile. Yesterday, I walked for half an hour. That's all.
Almost home and I felt pain. It was in the muscle tissue surrounding my tibia. I've had it before. I recognized it for what it is, i.e., medial tibial stress syndrome--shin splint.
I was praying a rosary, while I walked, too.
Lord, you know my strengths and weaknesses. You also know that I desire to be with you now and for all eternity. Come, Jesus, and fill me with your strength and your courage. Lord, I want to persevere in running and finishing the race with you!
While healing, I won't walk uphill. I might bicycle, but not uphill. Definitely, I'll keep praying the rosary.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Loose Cannon
So you think I’m a “loose cannon.”
Mmmm. Why would you
think that? Is it because I don't kowtow
to you? Is it because I'm not constantly
telling you how wonderful you are?
I'm honest. I’ll tell
you the TRUTH. When you do something
well, I'll praise you. When you do
something that didn’t work well, I’ll tell you.
Just because I’m not passive, and predictably compliant, doesn’t mean I’m
a “loose cannon.”
How dull and boring life would be without me. Life isn’t predictable. I know I prod the status quo; why is that a
negative? I keep you on your toes.
I do demand change from circumstances that need it. Conformity has an insidious, slippery,
You want obedience, buy a dog. You want predictability, wear a Swiss watch. You want someone to always agree with you—don’t ask me.
And another thing!
If I’m such a “loose cannon,” then do something about
it. What do you do with real loose cannons? You secure them.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Day to Honor Our Blessed Mother
Fr. Myers, O.P. |
Yesterday was no exception. The day began with a welcome from the prior, Very Rev. Edward T. Myers, O.P. He was very gracious. I also know him as the religious assistant to the St. Martin de Porres Chapter, in Natick.
Next, Miss Catherine Perrotti, O.P., led us in prayer and singing. The main speaker was Father Thomas Petri, O.P.. His approach was through Mary, you find her Son. The title of his talk was, "Mary: Disciple of Her Son." His spin was different. We were led to see Jesus as a mother would see a son, as a good Jewish daughter to Yahweh, as someone graced to share in the Redemption. I'm still reflecting upon these various images and reflections.
Father Petri also heard Confessions and celebrated Mass. Of course we prayed the Rosary, during Confession. It's simply, a simple day of recollection, focusing on Mary. That's enough.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Forget Turning Lemons Into Lemonade
If you are human, you have had to encounter a bad day. Sometimes, through no fault of your own, bad things happen. Blame God? You can if you want; He's a big boy. But I'd really blame Adam and Eve, for sentencing us to this earthly life. However, that's off topic.
I'm writing about when you're laid off from work, due to budget cuts. Or even, if you're fired for incompetence--especially then. The best thing to do is to forget about turning lemons into lemonade. Follow my advice and not even try to turn around a bad occurrence. Your goal should be to survive it. Minimize the emotional damage and don't make any decisions, and don't go do anything. Your decision making ability won't be reliable. Take a break, forget about it, escape. Try.
You see this picture of me at a banquet. Note my color coordinated attire. My scarf matches my top. Even my finger nail polish matched. I was really "put together." I thought I looked nice.
Then, we were served this sausage. It took less than half a second, for a voluminous splat of grease to shoot out and stab me dead center of my chest, when my fork pierced it.
That's why my scarf is placed where it is.
I tried drying it off. That didn't work. I tried washing it off with water. That was worse! It created a huge wet circle surrounding the original offensive grease splat.
There was no way I could turn this around. I knew full well that the second I moved, turned, got up, the scarf would expose that grease blotch.
Whose fault? God? Me? Sausage? What difference did it make? The best thing to do was forget about the grease spot. It was what it was. I couldn't hide it.
I survived it. I got over it.
I'm writing about when you're laid off from work, due to budget cuts. Or even, if you're fired for incompetence--especially then. The best thing to do is to forget about turning lemons into lemonade. Follow my advice and not even try to turn around a bad occurrence. Your goal should be to survive it. Minimize the emotional damage and don't make any decisions, and don't go do anything. Your decision making ability won't be reliable. Take a break, forget about it, escape. Try.
You see this picture of me at a banquet. Note my color coordinated attire. My scarf matches my top. Even my finger nail polish matched. I was really "put together." I thought I looked nice.
Then, we were served this sausage. It took less than half a second, for a voluminous splat of grease to shoot out and stab me dead center of my chest, when my fork pierced it.
That's why my scarf is placed where it is.
I tried drying it off. That didn't work. I tried washing it off with water. That was worse! It created a huge wet circle surrounding the original offensive grease splat.
There was no way I could turn this around. I knew full well that the second I moved, turned, got up, the scarf would expose that grease blotch.
Whose fault? God? Me? Sausage? What difference did it make? The best thing to do was forget about the grease spot. It was what it was. I couldn't hide it.
I survived it. I got over it.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
King Philip's Rock
Today's hiking trail took us to King Philip's rock, in Uxbridge, MA.
City person that I am, I learned a lot. I saw these black bark, skinny poles, and I asked "What's this?" I was told it was a white pine tree. Pine? Then I saw these skimpy, flimsy, pine needles on the branches. Now I know. The Charlie Brown Christmas trees are called white pine.
I also saw a ring tailed hawk. The birders in our hiking group were complaining that they didn't see any birds, when we saw a hawk, way up high, circling round and around. We were told that the hawk was on his way south. Hawks circle up, again and again. They even go up to 2000 feet. That's where they catch the thermal currents of the wind. Hawks expend very little energy flying south, because they use the wind currents. Did you know that a group of hawks is called a kettle of hawks.
What a beautiful day. It was educational, too. When we stopped for lunch, I took pictures, and John took a nap. The sun did feel good on my face.
City person that I am, I learned a lot. I saw these black bark, skinny poles, and I asked "What's this?" I was told it was a white pine tree. Pine? Then I saw these skimpy, flimsy, pine needles on the branches. Now I know. The Charlie Brown Christmas trees are called white pine.
I also saw a ring tailed hawk. The birders in our hiking group were complaining that they didn't see any birds, when we saw a hawk, way up high, circling round and around. We were told that the hawk was on his way south. Hawks circle up, again and again. They even go up to 2000 feet. That's where they catch the thermal currents of the wind. Hawks expend very little energy flying south, because they use the wind currents. Did you know that a group of hawks is called a kettle of hawks.
What a beautiful day. It was educational, too. When we stopped for lunch, I took pictures, and John took a nap. The sun did feel good on my face.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
My New Book Club
My new book club has potential. Its location is the lower level of a
church. I won’t say “basement,” because the
noun, “basement,” would belie this “basement.” It’s too cheery; there’s too much natural
light, and atmospheric warmth, for this location to be labeled, “basement.”
But let’s get back to the book club.
There were eight of us there. We filled the room. And every single one of us had something to
say. Everyone added to the discussion. We laughed together (at men) of course—did I
mention that the book was Founding Mothers by Cokie Roberts. What a book!
This country would not “be,” if it were not for our “Founding Mothers,”
(wives of the Founding Fathers.) Go read
the book.
We shared our thoughts. We accepted opposing opinions. That’s what makes for a good discussion
group. I’m going to enjoy this book
club. Its name is Books in the Cellar. I’m
kidding. It really has no name, but
since its location is the cellar, basement, lower level of St.
Mary’s Church, we refer to it as “St.
Mary’s Book Club.”
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
The Gospel According to our Leaders
I'm reading American Gospel, God, the Founding Fathers, and the Making of a Nation, by Jon Meacham. It's very interesting. I find it particularly enlightening in regards to the fact that it's really Divine Providence who's in charge. During World War II, there was a special closeness to God.
The ceremony for the signing of the Atlantic Charter is a good example. A reading from Joshua was given, "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid...for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." Meacham says that Churchill wept. Three hymns were sung by a mix of American and British sailors: "Onward Christian Soldiers, Eternal Father, Strong to Save and the beginning of Psalm 90."
O God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come,
Be Thou our guide while troubles last,
And our eternal home.
The author, continues to conjecture that Americans were wary of this strongly Anglican service. What if you're not Christian? Americans prefer an ecumenical service (ministers of different faiths) but the theme of the ceremony was universally accepted: liberty, justice, and democracy.
Franklin played the part of a national pastor. I think he looks the part. Can't you picture him as a rabbi, minister, or priest? On D-Day, June 6, 1944, the President led the country in prayer. He asked that our military operation against the Nazis be blessed with success.
What I've just quoted is a good example of the book. The theme is that religion shapes politics. And at this particular time before the election, the book is comforting. It's "good news" that religion shapes politics, yet doesn't control it. Right from America's founding, our nation has struggled with faith and government. It proves that God is in charge.
The ceremony for the signing of the Atlantic Charter is a good example. A reading from Joshua was given, "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid...for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." Meacham says that Churchill wept. Three hymns were sung by a mix of American and British sailors: "Onward Christian Soldiers, Eternal Father, Strong to Save and the beginning of Psalm 90."
O God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come,
Be Thou our guide while troubles last,
And our eternal home.
The author, continues to conjecture that Americans were wary of this strongly Anglican service. What if you're not Christian? Americans prefer an ecumenical service (ministers of different faiths) but the theme of the ceremony was universally accepted: liberty, justice, and democracy.
Franklin played the part of a national pastor. I think he looks the part. Can't you picture him as a rabbi, minister, or priest? On D-Day, June 6, 1944, the President led the country in prayer. He asked that our military operation against the Nazis be blessed with success.
What I've just quoted is a good example of the book. The theme is that religion shapes politics. And at this particular time before the election, the book is comforting. It's "good news" that religion shapes politics, yet doesn't control it. Right from America's founding, our nation has struggled with faith and government. It proves that God is in charge.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Halloween Skit
What do you think of my Halloween skit for T.O.P.S.? I've had a lot of fun composing it.
Halloween Skit
Good Angel
Bad Angel
Trick or Treater
Toy shopping cart or basket for
a few items
Candy, Halloween stickers, small cans playdoh, noisemakers, Halloween
pencils, Halloween bouncy balls, temporary tattoos, small bottles of bubbles,
sugar free gum, raisins, etc.
Costume for the Trick or Treater
Face Mask
Narrator: Halloween will be here before you
know it and we all know that Halloween, to most children, means candy. To promote good nutrition and dental health,
is the aim of T.O.P.S. members. So when
trick-or-treaters ring your door bell, offer them some fun alternatives,
instead of sugary treats.
is a T.O.P.S. member shopping for Halloween treats.
Shopper: Let’s see. What should I buy? What do little kids like?
Bad Angel: Candy, you dolt!
Good Angel: Not candy.
Too much sugar.
Shopper: Candy
isn’t good for teeth either. I don’t
want to contribute to their dentists’ yacht fund.
Bad Angel: It’s
Halloween! One time a year won’t hurt.
Good Angel: The
little kiddies binge on Halloween. This
sets up a bad precedent.
Bad Angel: Precedent? President?
Peppermint! Yes, buy
peppermints. They’re good for you.
Shopper: It
is Halloween. It is only one night. Maybe some candy isn’t so bad.
Bad Angel: Yeah,
yeah, yeah. Ha, ha, ha, ha, (maniacal
Good Angel: Wait
a minute. Not so fast. Kids don’t have to have food to have
fun. What kind of message is a T.O.P.S.
Shopper: I
really want to encourage good eating habits.
Bad Angel: Bah!
Shopper: I
don’t want to give the message that only sweets are good. But what else do kids like?
Bad Angel: Cigarettes
Good Angel: There
are lots of fun alternatives to candy.
Look here’s some:
and boxes of raisins, and sun flower seeds
Bad Angel: GAG!
Good Angel: and
Stickers, Place items in the cart.
Halloween pencils,
Halloween bouncy balls,
Temporary tattoos,
sugar free gum,
Stickers, Place items in the cart.
Halloween pencils,
Halloween bouncy balls,
Temporary tattoos,
sugar free gum,
Shopper: This
is the perfect solution. Kids will be so
happy. And I’m happy.
Bad Angel: And
I’m disgusted.
Good Angel: And
I’m De-e-e-lighted!
Narrator: It’s
now Halloween. Our T.O.P.S. shopper has put all the good non-candy
alternatives in a big bowl. The
trick-or-treaters can now pick out what they want. They love doing that.
Bad Angel (wearing face mask): Trick or Treat!
Good Angel: What
are you supposed to be?
Bad Angel: A
Good Angel: Figures.
Narrator: I
hear the doorbell. (Ring a bell, or
knock loudly on the door)
Shopper: Ooohoooh, I hear someone.
Narrator: The
door is opened.
Shopper: Oh
how cute! Here’s your treat. Pick something out of the bowl.
Narrator: Note
how happy the child is.
Trick-or-Treater: Thank you.
Shopper: You’re
welcome. Enjoy.
Good Angel: Aren’t
you glad you listened to me?
Bad Angel: Hey! Tomorrow the stores put all their Halloween
candy on sale. Everybody loves a
Good Angel: But
our T.O.P.S. are intelligent. They
control their emotions, and don’t let emotions control them. …
Narrator: Let’s everyone sing:
Halloween Song: (To the tune of
“She’ll Be Comin Around the Mountain)
we’ll give away all goodies when they come.
Yes, we’ll give away all the goodies when they come.
We won’t buy any candy. No, we won’t sneak any candy.
No, we won’t eat any candy when they come.
Yes, we’ll give away all the goodies when they come.
We won’t buy any candy. No, we won’t sneak any candy.
No, we won’t eat any candy when they come.
we’ll give away all goodies when they come.
Yes, we’ll give away all the goodies when they come.
To the witches and the ghosties, to the pirates and the bums,
And we’ll all weigh in with losses, every one!
Yes, we’ll give away all the goodies when they come.
To the witches and the ghosties, to the pirates and the bums,
And we’ll all weigh in with losses, every one!
Friday, October 12, 2012
Trappist Beer in the USA
I was talking to my spiritual director; he's the monk in this picture. And he was very excited about the monks' new project. They're adding on to the monastery, learning, and growing hops and whatever, in order to brew beer. This is in Spencer, MA.
Father Aquinas was telling me that when I come for spiritual direction, instead of offering me jelly, he'll give me beer.
I'll be coming often. I'll either be a drunk or a mystic.
Why I Blog
A friend once asked me why I blog. Off the top of my head, I blurted out, "It's my way of preaching." Ever since then, I've brooded over my answer. "Was that the best way to say it?" I've asked myself that question, many times since then. I'm still not sure.
Bishop Christopher Coyne offers a post dealing with the beginning of the Year of Faith. In it he emphasizes Pope Benedict XVI's desire for the church to get more involved with the media, in particular, the digital media, which his Holiness calls, "the digital continent." He quotes:
"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."(Matthew 28:19-20)
Bishop Coyne adds his own reasons to Jesus' proposal. The good bishop says he blogs because it's his way of talking about Jesus. He feels he's spreading the Good News, his way. He is going out teaching and baptizing and making disciples of all nations. And he does it his way:
Bishop Christopher Coyne offers a post dealing with the beginning of the Year of Faith. In it he emphasizes Pope Benedict XVI's desire for the church to get more involved with the media, in particular, the digital media, which his Holiness calls, "the digital continent." He quotes:
"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."(Matthew 28:19-20)
Bishop Coyne adds his own reasons to Jesus' proposal. The good bishop says he blogs because it's his way of talking about Jesus. He feels he's spreading the Good News, his way. He is going out teaching and baptizing and making disciples of all nations. And he does it his way:
There are times when what I do in the digital media is not specifically "religious," times when I use humor, poetry, music, art, irreverence, banter, etc., as part of my presence within the digital world. I do this as a means to an end. I am trying to serve as a "bridge" between God and the human person. I want my message to be "attractive" both in the sense of being "pleasing" to others as well as "attracting" or "enticing" others to "follow" me. I want people to hear the incredibly important, life-altering message of Jesus Christ and His Church.
In order to "speak in the light" and "proclaim on the housetops," I need to go where the proclamation will be heard. Today, the digital culture is one of those places. I desire to both evangelize through and evangelize the new media digital itself. Right now, there is too much "darkness" in the new media and not enough light. By bringing the name and person of Jesus Christ to the new digital media, by proclaiming the Good News, and by being a presence of Christ and His Church in the new media, I hope to bring others to either know Him for the first time or to know Him more deeply in His Church.
Does it take a lot time and energy? Yes. Do I have to be careful about what I say and how I say it? Yes. Do I sometimes make mistakes or take things too far or offend and upset some people? Yes. Does this mean I will stop doing what I do? No, for all of us are called to . . .
Me too. I couldn't have said it better, myself.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
End of Summer
This is a
picture of some of the plants I transplanted today. It’s also a visual meditation. This is a time for me to take stock of
myself. What do I need to cut back on—not
only material things, but the spiritual demands that sometimes are overwhelming. (Do I really need to do something for the
parish every day? Can’t a day go by
where I don’t have to prayer group, scripture study, right to life group,
parish council, Rosary, Sodality, etc.) This
is a good time to do this--the end of summer, before it gets too cold. Spiritually, I’m beginning to think of
I had to
step back and look at these plants. Some
are as old as my children. I split one
of them and I’m afraid that it will cause it to croak. If I double what I do for people, for the
church, for family—will I croak?
Now that I’m
finished transplanting, I have to decide where to put them. They were outside, all summer. Likewise, once I’ve decided what to keep in
my life, how can I use what I’ve kept, to my best advantage.
I’ve also
resolved to take better care of these plants.
Me, too.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
How to celebrate My Year
In reading My Catholic Standard, I came across Father William Byrne's five suggestions to celebrate the Year of Faith:
1. Remember your Baptism
2. Learn about your Faith
3. Pray
4. Serve
5. Share
These made me think of what I would do and suggest to others. Surprisingly, I only have ONE recommendation. Think
Yes, think about your Faith, this year. I think if you're thinking about your faith, that incorporates Father Byrne's suggestions and anybody else's. You will be mindfully engaged in everything you do--thinking about Faith.
Eating--start saying Grace
Sleeping--examination of conscience before
Working--start the day by praying
All day--praying for every single person you encouter
Reading--learn about your faith
Watching TV--only watch programs making good use of your time
Worshipping--attend Mass as often as you can (daily)
1. Remember your Baptism
2. Learn about your Faith
3. Pray
4. Serve
5. Share
These made me think of what I would do and suggest to others. Surprisingly, I only have ONE recommendation. Think
Yes, think about your Faith, this year. I think if you're thinking about your faith, that incorporates Father Byrne's suggestions and anybody else's. You will be mindfully engaged in everything you do--thinking about Faith.
Eating--start saying Grace
Sleeping--examination of conscience before
Working--start the day by praying
All day--praying for every single person you encouter
Reading--learn about your faith
Watching TV--only watch programs making good use of your time
Worshipping--attend Mass as often as you can (daily)
Monday, October 8, 2012
The Adventures of Rosary Girl
There's Spider Man and Super Man, why not Rosary Girl?
Rosary Girl is my two year old granddaughter. She enjoys touching and playing with everything on my dresser. Her favorite object is a fancy box I keep my Rosary in. She always has to open that and put on the Rosary necklace. She prefers the rosary of many colors. She gives me the plain black one.
Right now her praying the Rosary consists of 150 Hail Mary. Then she dances around me in a liturgical dance consisting of kneeling, running around me, spinning around and sitting, while Grandma prays.
Then she races down the hall, like Superman in his cape, but she's flying around with a Rosary around her neck. She doesn't have the web weapon that Spider Man has. Her weapon is more powerful; it's the Rosary.

Today Rosary Girl's Adventures included chasing bubbles outside while grandma blew them in the air. Then we played hide and seek. It's odd how she can count ten Hail Mary's, but somehow when we play hide and seek, the numbers go "1...2...3...10."
It's not all fun and games for Rosary Girl. She set the table twice today, and helped grandma make her bed. She even did two loads of laundry. Whew! That was a lot of work!
Rosary Girl is my two year old granddaughter. She enjoys touching and playing with everything on my dresser. Her favorite object is a fancy box I keep my Rosary in. She always has to open that and put on the Rosary necklace. She prefers the rosary of many colors. She gives me the plain black one.
Right now her praying the Rosary consists of 150 Hail Mary. Then she dances around me in a liturgical dance consisting of kneeling, running around me, spinning around and sitting, while Grandma prays.
Then she races down the hall, like Superman in his cape, but she's flying around with a Rosary around her neck. She doesn't have the web weapon that Spider Man has. Her weapon is more powerful; it's the Rosary.
Today Rosary Girl's Adventures included chasing bubbles outside while grandma blew them in the air. Then we played hide and seek. It's odd how she can count ten Hail Mary's, but somehow when we play hide and seek, the numbers go "1...2...3...10."
It's not all fun and games for Rosary Girl. She set the table twice today, and helped grandma make her bed. She even did two loads of laundry. Whew! That was a lot of work!
Maybe that's why her nap was four hours.
God is good. Thanks be to God.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Doctor of the Church
Doctor of the Church is a title reserved for certain saints, whose writings and preaching apply to all times. Needless to say, these saints have to be known for their solid theology. Here is a list of the current Church Doctors.
St. Athanasius | 296 - 373 | 1568 by Pius V |
St. Ephraem the Syrian | 306 - 373 | October 5, 1920 by Benedict XV |
St. Hilary of Poitiers | 315 - 367 | May 13, 1851 by Pius IX |
St. Cyril of Jerusalem | 315 - 386 | July 28, 1882 by Leo XIII |
St. Gregory of Nazianzus | 325 - 389 | 1568 by Pius V |
St. Basil the Great | 329 - 379 | 1568 by Pius V |
St. Ambrose | 339 - 397 | September 20, 1295 by Boniface VIII |
St. John Chrysostom | 347 - 407 | 1568 by Pius V |
St. Jerome | 347 - 419 | September 20, 1295 by Boniface XIII |
St. Augustine | 354 - 430 | September 20, 1295 by Boniface XIII |
St. Cyril of Alexandria | 376 - 444 | July 28, 1882 by Leo XIII |
St. Peter Chrysologous | 400 - 450 | February 10, 1729 by Benedict XIII |
St. Leo the Great | 400 - 461 | October 15, 1754 by Benedict XIV |
St. Gregory the Great | 540 - 604 | September 20, 1295 by Boniface XIII |
St. Isidore of Seville | 560 - 636 | April 25, 1722 by Innocent XIII |
St. John of Damascus | 645 - 749 | August 19, 1890 by Leo XIII |
St. Bede the Venerable | 672 - 735 | November 13, 1899 by Leo XIII |
St. Peter Damian | 1007 - 1072 | September 27, 1828 by Leo XII |
St. Anselm | 1033 - 1109 | February 3, 1720 by Clement XI |
St. Bernard of Clairvaux | 1090 - 1153 | August 20, 1830 by Pius VIII |
St. Anthony of Padua | 1195 - 1231 | January 16, 1946 by Pius XII |
St. Albert the Great | 1206 - 1280 | December 16, 1931 by Pius XI |
St. Bonaventure | 1221 - 1274 | March 14, 1588 by Sixtus V |
St. Thomas Aquinas | 1226 - 1274 | April 11, 1567 by Pius V |
St. Catherine of Siena | 1347 - 1380 | October 4, 1970 by Paul VI |
St. Teresa of Avila | 1515 - 1582 | September 27, 1970 by Paul VI |
St. Peter Canisius | 1521 - 1597 | May 21, 1925 by Pius XI |
St. John of the Cross | 1542 - 1591 | August 24, 1926 by Pius XI |
St. Robert Bellarmine | 1542 - 1621 | September 17, 1931 by Pius XI |
St. Lawrence of Brindisi | 1559 - 1619 | March 19, 1959 by John XXIII |
St. Francis de Sales | 1567 - 1622 | November 16, 1871 by Pius IX |
St. Alphonsus Ligouri | 1696 - 1787 | July 7, 1871 by Pius IX |
St. Therese of Lisieux |
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