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Monday, October 3, 2022

Your Annunciation

 Saturday, I attended the Worcester Women's Conference.  One of their speakers, pictured, left me with much food for thought. Laura Mary Phelps spoke about Mary's Annunciation.  Now when I thought of the angel Gabriel announcing to Mary that she was to be the mother of God, I always thought happy thoughts.  She was going to have a baby.  She was chosen to be the mother of God.  And, if so, she didn't have to worry that her baby would be stillborn.  He was going to be perfect.

But Laura Phelps introduced a different perspective. Once Mary said "yes," all her beautiful plans were dashed. No wedding shower, hope chest, beautiful white dress, or anything.  Can you imagine what was going through her mind?  

I'm going to be stoned. I'm pregnant and not married.  Poor Joseph, is going to be heart broken.  

Did her parents know what was going on?  Did they send her to her cousin, Elizabeth's, to have her baby?

Scripture tells us that an angel let Joseph know what was going on, maybe Mary's parents, too. What a mess, when before that angel came life looked so rosy.

Laura Phelps called this scenario, an Annunciation moment. We all have them.  You can't be human and not have your plans dashed to the ground.

I immediately thought of my "cloistered brothers."  No one plans to go to prison.  They surely must have had Annunciation Moments.

Some other examples:

People left at the altar.

Sudden deaths of loved ones.

Getting fired.

Your spouse telling you he wants a divorce.

Not getting into the college you want.  Flunking out.

You have a terminal illness.

What was your Annunciation Moment?

The only way to survive an Annunciation Moment is to stay close to Jesus.

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