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Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Children's Faith Formation

 My COVID tests are still positive, but I think I'm getting better.  Each day is different, not better.  One day I have a head ache.  The next day that's gone but my lymph nodes hurt.  Then that's gone and now I have nasal drip.  I have a Halloween Party I want to go to Friday, so I'm praying that my COVID tests negative tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I'm reading the conciliar and post conciliar documents of Vatican II and read in the Directory of Children's Masses how important home formation is for the Eucharist.  No wonder people don't understand what's going on.  The adults who should be teaching and passing on the faith, don't know and understand the Eucharist, how can they pass on what they don't know?  Sunday School has to be enforced at home.  An hour a week for faith formation is clearly not enough.

Lord, send Your Holy Spirit to enlighten us. We know not what to do?

Chapter 1

The Church, which baptizes infants and entrusts them with the gifts of baptism, should make sure that they grow in communion with Christ and the Christian community.  ...Liturgical and Eucharistic formation must not be divorced from the child's general education as a human being and a Christian.

It can't help but be divorced from the general education of the child.  There's some crazy stuff being taught in schools and parents can't stay on top of it.  Very few people have the wherewithal to know what's being taught.  Just the fact that schools can't have a Christmas Concert is telling.  It's called a Winter Concert with silly songs, no carols.  Our children know no Christmas Carols, never mind learning their religion.  

 Psalm 124:8 Our help is in the name of the LORD,

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