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Sunday, October 9, 2022

Robin Hood

 Robin Hood was one of my favorite TV shows, when I was a child.  He robbed the rich  to give to the poor.  He was always getting away from the sheriff of Nottingham.  My memories are fond. 

Today, I heard that Robin Hood was a legend.  So I looked him up.  Probably.  Maybe.  But I don't think it's a stretch for thieves to give money to the poor.  It is credible for there to be a real Robin Hood.

While looking up Robin Hood and Nottingham, I found that the little town of Nottingham is famous for its caves.

Sometimes the most captivating features of a place are not those which stand out immediately, and you have to delve a little deeper to discover the best secrets. Of any city in Britain, this is perhaps most true of Nottingham and its vast underground network of caves.

Under our city streets lies a subterranean world full of stories, history and intrigue - but it is only in the past few decades that they have been given the spotlight for exploration. Owing to the sandstone foundations under our feet, from its emergence as a settlement in the 7th century, Nottingham earned the name Tigguo Cobauc, meaning Place of Caves in Old Brythonic. Ripe for the making of tunnels, the soft rock was carved away to create countless man-made caves and passages which through the centuries have been used as homes, storerooms, dungeons, tanneries, hideouts, and dozens of other uses. Today over 850 caves have been mapped out under the streets of our city, some accessible and others lost to the city’s development. 

Now I definitely think that Robin Hood was a real person.  Those caves would make a perfect hideout.  This is the stuff legends are made from.

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