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Friday, October 30, 2020

What Do you Have to Lose by Believing?

 There's an article in the Nov/Dec issue of Yankee magazine, "When Santas Get Together," that asks people who play Santas what they think about the job, the children, what they ask for and about, and other memorable moments.

What struck me the most was the answer to the question, "Do you believe in Santa Claus?" Santa answered, "What do you have to lose by believing?"

Wow.  You lose out in the fun.
You lose out in the imanginative joy.
You lose out in creative reproductive play.
You lose out in a lot of pleasure: of seeing the wonder in a child's eyes, the hope in his heart, the expectation of satisfaction.

You really lose out!

Bump up the question, "What do you have to lose by believing?" by applying it to God.  What do you have to lose by believing in God?  

Answer: your soul.

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