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Monday, October 5, 2020

Priority Shift


There are many things this pandemic has made me realize.  The one I feel the absence of most is my prison ministry.  It is making me reflect on what God is doing.  

Do you think He is showing me that there are other things I could be doing to draw closer to Him?  Ministering to my family is one example.  Maybe I should back away from prison ministry.  I was getting too involved.  I was at the prison five days out of seven.  

Maybe I should change Lay Dominican fraternities.  I know this sounds funny but all the Lay Dominican Fraternities that I have visited pray too much.  I'm not used to it.  Because of the time schedule of the prison, we don't have time to do the devotional prayers.  We pray the Liturgy of the Hours and that's it.  And I'm not that devotional.  I pray the daily rosary and Liturgy of the Hours.  When time permits I do Lectio Divina.  That's it.

I'm not sure that I could only go to my fraternity in the prison and not be talked into participating in anything else.  But that's what I'm going to try to do.

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