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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Bible Journaling as Lectio Divina

 Bible Journaling and Lectio Divina, here's a marriage made in heaven.  Bible Journaling are notes on the scripture you've read and/or thoughts that apply to you at that time.  Lectio Divina is praying with the scriptures.  

Here's what I envision:

Lectio--read the scripture

Study--google, read the footnotes, refer to a commentary, to understand the scripture you read.  Write notes or draw a picture, or put a stamp or sticker--something to explain and help you remember.

Meditate-- Now with what you understand think how this scripture applies to you. 

Oratio--Talk to God about it.  Elaborate on your picture(s) and/or notes, if God leads you to more understanding

Contemplatio--Rest in the prayer.  Do you get what the scripture is saying to you?  Think into it.

Resolutio--What are you going to do about it?

Image from Lifeway:,.5,6,0

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