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Monday, October 19, 2020

A Wellness Vacation

TOPS is offering a scholarship to attend their annual retreat.  All you have to do is write why you want to go.  Here's my contribution. 

TOPS Club Inc

Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948


On retreat, one’s health and wellbeing are constantly in front of you.  You are very aware, each day, that it is possible for you to achieve your goal. You are living your life with a purpose.

This is what I need.  I’m ashamed to say, that living healthy is not in the picture of my day to day activities.  Sometimes I feel like a hypocrite because I can “talk the talk,” of a healthy lifestyle, but I can’t “walk the walk”.

A retreat will help me take a step back and evaluate where I’m at, from a distance.  I need a shift in perception.  You never know what you can learn from others that can affect your future choices and/or evaluate your present lifestyle in a different light.

Wellness is all about health.  A TOPS retreat will give me a wellness vacation.  Hopefully, the retreat will be the incentive boost I need to create a permanent mindset I can take home with me.

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