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Monday, December 15, 2014

I Can Take A Hint

I give up.  As my four-year-old granddaughter would say, for a couple of whiles, I have been hearing "Mary, Our Lady, the Blessed Mother."  Now I honor Mary as the Mother of Jesus.  But I don't love her as a mother, or sister--maybe a friend.  Well, I'm tired of being pushed into the same room as her; people mentioning her to me, and picking up something to read and it's about Mary.

First it was Father Gordon MacRae and his consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  I've been following his blog, These Stone Walls, for years.  I really didn't pay much attention to his posts about his consecration.

Then it was Donna in prayer group who spoke about visiting Medjugorje.

Then Father Francis asked me if I knew a lady by the name of Janine who lives in my town and has visions of Mary.  "What?"    "No I don't."  But still.  Mary, Mary, ...again and again.

The other day I got a Christmas letter from Father MacRae.  Again with his consecration to Mary! OK.  I think I'm being nudged in that direction.  And I'm pretty sure I have a book on the total Consecration to Mary, somewhere.

So I dig out my book, St. Louis de Montfort's True Devotion Consecration to Mary.  It's no pamphlet!  It's bigger than some bibles!  It's a whopping 420 pages.  And I'm supposed to follow it for 5 weeks! 

OK.  I'm being led to do the consecration. I'll try it.  I promise I'll try it and I'll blog about my progress here on my blog.  I'm praying it will make a difference in my life because Mary brings you to Jesus.

Prepare the way.  Look out Jesus, I'm looking to hook up with You.

1 comment:

Anna Elissa said...

Hi, I've been a silent follower of your blog! This post caught my attention so I thought I'd pop in :)

I was very much like you. I honored Mary, but—borrowing a Protestant-sounding phrase—I didn't have a personal relationship with her. I couldn't look her up as a mother and whenever I prayed I always (perhaps subconsciously) opted to pray directly to the Lord.

But that was before I consecrated myself using St. Louis de Montfort's 33-Day method. I don't know how it happened, remembering that I wasn't the most devoted person to her. But I guess God likes to surprise us! You can read my full story about it here:

March on! May God bless you and may Mama Mary guide you!


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