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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sunday Snippets -- A Catholic Carnival

It's time for Sunday Snippets --  A Catholic Carnival.  We are a group of Catholic bloggers who link up on Sunday and summarize our week.  Go to the blog Sunday Snippets -- A Catholic Carnival and read my friends.  My week:

Sunday  --  A video of a celebration.

Monday  --  Thinking about Davey.

Tuesday  --  Prayer request.

Wednesday --  Short story.

Thursday --  I finally get fasting.

Friday --  Whistling in the dark.

Saturday --  Horsing around.

R'Ann also wants to know if my family has done the Sacred Heart Enthronement.  I guess not, since I've never heard of it.  I've always had a picture of the Sacred Heart up on the wall though, but it's not enthroned on an altar, or whatever that expression means.

Blessing of the Houses

It is the custom that those chapters and individual people, who identify with the Sisters of Bethany, pray for each other.  We call this ...