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Saturday, June 14, 2014

All God's Creatures Great and Small

Another interesting sight, we hikers came across was what at first a rider on a horse walking a dog on a leash.  As they approached, we saw that it wasn't a dog; it was shetland pony.  Wrong again!  The rider told us it was a mini-horse.

Miniature horses are popular nowadays.  I understand they make wonderful pets, much like a dog and cat. As  you can see, they are very cute!  He reminded me of Cecil Alexander's poem All God's Creatures Great and Small.

                                              All things bright and beautiful,
                                              All creatures great and small,
                                             All things wise and wonderful:
                                             The Lord God made them all.
               —All Things Bright and Beautiful, a hymn by Cecil Alexander

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  LECTIO:                                          1 Corinthians 12:12-30 Brothers and sisters: As a body is one though it has many parts, a...