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Monday, September 30, 2013

Two Faiths, One God

In 2005, the Lay Dominicans in the Province of Saint Joseph held a Congress.  We hired a bus to take those who were going from New England to Washington, DC, where the Congress was held.  I said then, at that time, that one of the most memorable moments of the Congress, was riding on the bus.  I loved the camaraderie, praying in community, meeting new friends, having intimate conversations with good friends that I haven't seen in awhile, eating together, singing together, sharing opinions, sharing ideas, etc.

Likewise, this past trip to the Provincial Council meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio.  BTW, it wasn't at the friars' novitiate.  It was held at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, in Norwood, Ohio.  It was like staying in a museum.  There was no end to the statues and paintings.

There will be more postings on the place, and "goings-on", later.  I'm tired.  I have five days of emails to catch up on, besides, the theme of this particular post, is community.

As I was saying, like the bus trip to the 2005 Congress, the ride to the PC (Provincial Council) meeting, was very enjoyable.  There were three of us.  We prayed the Rosary, the Divine Office, we stopped to eat and stretch,
and we took turns sleeping.  The drive was 16-17 hours.

At one stop, I saw an orthodox Jewish family off to the side, at a picnic table.  I could see that one man was praying.  The others were probably praying, also.

So were we.  We spread our Divine Office books on a picnic table and sang the hymn, and chanted the psalms--antiphonally, mind you!  Nice huh?  Two faiths, one God.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Great is the name of the Lord among His people.

Who Watches the Watchers

 Another free ebook from the Gutenberg project and another Joseph Muller mystery is my subject.  The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor...