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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Shark Fishing

My son-in-law caught a shark, late last night.  See the picture.  That's a red and white bobber in the shark's mouth.  The hook was not the hook to capture sharks.  That type of hook can be left inside the mouth and gills of the shark because its designed to be spit out.  This hook is really hooked inside the mouth of the shark because the hook was for Strippers.

Pliers had to be used to get the hook out of the sharks mouth.  Luckily, the operation was successful.  Sea Bass was the bait.  We had some sea bass that hadn't been eaten, in the refrigerator.  It was in danger of going bad, so we froze it.  That's what was used when the shark was caught.

It was close to midnight, on Trunk Beach.  There were no stars in the sky because of clouds.  The weather was very overcast.  The weather was fairly warm--60's.

Although the shark was saved, we didn't bring home any Strippers.

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