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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Letter to Pope Francis

Faith Calling

Your Holiness Pope Francis I,

Having the world pray for peace on Sept. 7, 2013, is a wonderful idea.  The best part of the idea, in my humble opinion, is not “pray for peace,” although that is important—very important.  I think having the “world” pray for peace is a great evangelizing tool. 

However, although communication over the internet may be instantaneous, having the word travel throughout the populace is not instantaneous.  Announcing your call to prayer on the weekend and expecting everyone to receive the message is unrealistic.  That is less than a week!

I would bet that my parish priest has not received word.  I bet his bishop hasn't.  Even if they were told, could they put together a prayer service in a few days to be ready for the Vigil of the Nativity of Mary?  Could they get word out for all the parishioners to attend, or pray along privately?  How could they possibly get the message out?

The message should be proclaimed from Sunday’s pulpit, but you haven’t given us enough time.
It is a stroke of genius to invite the entire world to pray.  You could invite all the religious leaders of the world to pray.  Imagine, the entire world praying for peace, at the same time!

As for me, of course I will pray on the Vigil of the Virgin Mary.  Tonight, when I go to Bible Study, which is in another parish, I will alert them to your prayer request.  So we have one parish involved.  Tomorrow night, when I go to my own parish’s prayer group, I’ll tell them.  Two!  That’s two parishes praying.  And before prayer group, I’m going to visit my “cloistered brothers.”  They are efficacious prayer warriors.  There, that’s three venues praying for peace in the Middle East, in Africa, in Syria, and the world. 

You are in my prayers, Holiness.  May God protect you, give you a long and blessed life.

Your sister in Christ,
Mrs. Faith Flaherty, O.P.

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