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Friday, September 6, 2013

Energy Out > Energy In

You will only lose weight when your energy expenditure exceeds your energy intake.

There is no point in losing weight to a level that can't be maintained by your lifestyle.  That's what today's program in TOPS was about.  Sure, you can lose weight with most diets, but it's keeping that weight off when you go off the diet, that's the problem.  You have to change your lifestyle.  This takes perseverance.  That's the secret.  Slowly but surely.

Since I hate to exercise, I have to force myself.  I usually walk.  But I'm sick of the same old scenery, besides every single one of my routes has construction being done.  I don't like to walk by the construction workers.  So I went to Zumba.  It's OK, but I have to go when the class is scheduled, not when I want.  I might try line dancing; it's not so strenuous.

Whatever exercise I pick, I have to keep at it.  I've just got to MOVE!

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 Another free ebook from the Gutenberg project and another Joseph Muller mystery is my subject.  The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor...